War for peace

Sunil R P Sethi
Suicide Car attack by Pakistan trained Kashmiri militant in Pulwama leaving at least 44 dead and score a injured has led to public outrage and anger across the nation . Whole nation is crying for revenge and deterrence. Every Indian wants lesson to be taught to incorrigible Pakistan except few traitors in Kashmir who burnt crackers after dastardly act and few Kashmiri politicians who still have the guts to talk about Talks with Pakistan . “Prime Minister acted swiftly in taking back Most Favoured Nation status from Pakistan which will affect the economy of Pakistan to some extent but will act as a clarion call for rest of world to restrict trade ties with a Nation which is threat to world peace and who instigates and supports terror as state policy . Giving free hands to security forces in Jammu and Kashmir was another decision taken which will raise morale of security forces but it will be meaningless unless security forces are given complete immunity from jurisdiction of Civil Courts and Writ Courts as it has been proved time and again that motivated litigation and persecution of security forces by separatists and their stooges leads to uncomfortable situation for them .“What has been done is too less to expect positive impact and Govt of India has to explore all possibilities to achieve the goal as aspired by people. Options available before Government are many fold and it has to adopt approach of constricting Pakistan and strangulating it on various fronts. We have to appreciate that it is now fight to finish and there can be no looking back. When whole nation is standing with Modi unmindful of impact on impending elections, it is duty of the Central Government to be ruthless while dealing with Pakistan.
Water Weapon
First and foremost India should use its most formidable weapon in conflict with Pakistan . The water flowing from India to Pakistan. Treaty of Indus water is lopsided and had created situation in favour of Pakistan who gets more water than it should as Riparian state at the cost of interests of India. The treaty being guaranteed by World Bank has relevance as breaking treaty by India unilaterally may have some economic impact though impediments may be created by World Bank and international community but we must understand that we are fighting a battle of survival . Indian economy is strong enough to bear the brunt but stopping supplies of water or even limiting it will be catastrophic for Pakistan and it will be on its knees in no times to take dictates from us .Diplomatically, Pakistan can hope for similar blockade by China on Brahmaputra but that will not have major impact. Besides China can’t dare to lose big economical market like India at the altar of a finished Pakistan economy which in any case is big liability on China .
Economy Walfare
India should cancel all trades with Pakistan . Even for its survival Pakistan is dependent on India on many commodities. It may have to get them from distant countries which will be economical burden it can’t bear . Already Pakistam is reeling under huge foreign debts to the extent every child born in Pakistan take birth with a burden of about 15 lacs. India should put pressure on its friends and other countries having major economical stakes in Indian markets to ensure trade blockade to Pakistan until it declares not only non support to terror but takes action against all supporters of terror from land of Pakistan and restrict the activities of dreaded ISI .
Snap Interactions and Exchange
India should declare Pakistan as terror state and close all links including land links with Pakistan including somewhat porous border trade and exchange in Jammu . It should forthwith stop all cultural or other exchange programmes with Pakistan till it changes its terror support policy.
Strictness with Separatists
Dealing with separatists in Kashmir is always full of slackness . Despite admitting that they are bigger enemies sitting in the country than even those coming with weapons, there is no fix long term policy to deal with them and to neutralise them.
(The author is a senior advocate)