Fighting terrorism

Refer news item ‘Terror extremism common concern : Saudi Prince after talks with Modi’ DE Feb 21, 2019.
The statement made by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman regarding terrorism in the world should not remain mere a statement just to please the world community concerned about global terrorism, but a pledge to defeat those who espouse terrorism day in and day out. Being an influential country in the world, Saudi Arbia can play an important role in eradicating terrorism from this planet.
It can persuade Pakistan, the mother of terrorism to wind up terror industry in the country.
Pakistan is using ‘terror policy’ to pursue its agenda in India, Afghanistan, Iran and Bengladesh. All these countries are suffering a lot on account of terrorism sponsored by Pakistan.
Let the world watch with fingers crossed to see what role Saudi Arbia can play in fighting terrorism in the world.
Devinder Sharma