Kashmir mainstream leaders rattled by anti-terror ops: Dr Jitendra

Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Feb 23: Taking head on so called mainstream leaders of Kashmir who have become panicky over intensification of anti terror operations, Union Minister, Dr Jitendra Singh today said such outbursts from them are obvious because they feel threat to their dynastic politics which thrived in continuation of terrorism over last three decades.
Talking to reporters here, soon after his arrival from Union Capital this afternoon, Dr Jitendra Singh said that the Kashmir mainstream leaders are rattled by anti-terror operations launched by Government and in desperation they have started making provocative statements.
Dr Jitendra Singh made it clear that any nationalist Indian or friend of India will support and back the Government for launching anti terrorism measures. “Those who oppose the same are enemies of nation as well as Kashmir’’, he added.

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He said the youth of Kashmir are not with terrorism and they are also sick of the same. Had it not been so there would have not been such a tremendous response to Army’s recruitment rally three days back. The youth of Kashmir want to go ahead and compete with the people of other States of the country, he added.
Maintaining that the action against the terror is the part of decisive battle launched by Modi Government in 2014 when the Prime Minister said that there will be zero tolerance to terrorism, Dr Jitendra Singh said that panic has gripped those Kashmiri leaders who want that terrorism should continue and who over the years have survived and thrived on political vacuum as their existence has been threatened now.
He said the common Kashmiri too wants to get rid of terrorism and uncertainty created by the terrorists in Valley for decades together. Allaying the fears that Government was contemplating revocation of 35A, the Union Minister said the action against the terrorism was already going on and the same should not be linked to 35A which is sub-Judice.
On banning of Jamat-e-Islamia, Dr Jitendra Singh said the decision of Modi Government came after taking people’s aspirations into consideration. He said every decision taken by the present Government will be in the larger interests of the nation and its integrity.
In response to a question that opposition parties accuse Modi Government of present crisis in Valley, Dr Jitendra Singh retorted “was there Ram Rajya in Kashmir before 2014 when Modi Government came to power’’. He said it was National Conference and its allay Congress who ruled the State and at Centre for decades together for the violation of democratic norms in Valley which led to present crisis.
“The people met injustice during their decades long rule and this is the main cause of the prevailing situation in the Valley’’, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh, while ridiculing the statement of former Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti that Government can arrest the separatists but can’t change their ideas, said that so far as we are concerned the idea of India is J&K is its integral part and the PoJK is also an integral part of India which is to be retrieved from forcible occupation of Pakistan as per joint Parliament resolution of 1994.
If they (Kashmir mainstream parties) are opposing the action against the terrorism they are betraying the nation as well as Kashmiris and are adopting double standards. “If you don’t subscribe to idea of India and if any one has idea besides India I doubt and suspect that idea’’, he added.
He said the Kashmir centric leaders are hesitant in condemnation of terrorism and “if their statements are recalled you will find they have made philosophical and generic statements which is not true condemnation of terrorism.Condemnation means you take a stand against terror’’, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh in response to a question that opposition is blaming BJP of playing power politics said that no one can blame us of indulging in power –politics as BJP has given sacrifices for Kashmir which started from our towering leader, Dr Shyama Prasad Mookherjee who laid down his life on the soil of J&K.
Commenting on the statement of US President, Donald Trump, who showed total solidarity with India at this hour, the Union Minister said “this is the outcome of the last five years of Narendra Modi Government’s policy that the nations which were not amenable to India’s view point on terrorism have now stood with India. This is also the vindication of India’s stand on terrorism. The Pakistan stands isolated at present due to the policies of Modi Government’’, he added.
He also criticized the Kashmir Centric parties of floating rumors that Kashmiri students were thrashed outside Valley. These reports are baseless and “if any one has any such report handover it to Government and it will take action against the culprits’’, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh accused these leaders of playing a dangerous game. “These leaders want that Kashmiri students be thrashed so that they can take its advantage in elections’’, he added.
He also refuted that BJP was opposed to holding of simultaneous Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in J&K. The decision about holding of elections is being taken by Election Commission of India (ECI) and unlike previous Congress Governments, BJP does not interfere in working of ECI, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh also highlighted the various achievements of BJP Government and complimented the Governor, Satya Pal Malik for sanctioning the Shahpur Kandi Project in just four minutes which was put by previous Congress and NC Governments in cold storage for 40 long years.
He also complimented the Governor for sanctioning Ujh Multipurpose Project and said its construction will start along with construction of canal to Punjab. He said Shahpur Kandi will be completed in three years.
Dr Jitendra Singh accused Kashmir centric parties of delaying these projects as they were not interested in development of Jammu region to please their Kashmir constituency.
He alleged that previous Congress governments have framed project report to give entire surplus water to Pak. The construction work of Ujh Project will be started before Code of Conduct coms into force and both Punjab and J&K will be benefitted by it, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said the people of International Border were deprived of three percent benefits of reservation for years together which was given only to LOC people because some ministers of Congress and NC were from those areas. This discrimination was also over as Governor recommended three percent reservation for border people. Besides, 10 percent reservation to EWS was also granted in the State and reservations to SC/ST employees in promotions were also given.