India gives dossier to Pak

NEW DELHI, Feb 27: India today handed over to Pakistan a dossier on “specific details” of involvement of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in the Pulwama terror attack on CRPF as also the presence of camps of the UN-proscribed terror outfit in that country.
The dossier was handed over to the Acting High Commissioner of Pakistan, who was summoned by the Ministry of External Affairs to lodge a strong protest over Pakistan Air Force targeting Indian military installations, a day after the Indian counter-terror action against the JeM.
Government sources have claimed that over 350 JeM terrorists were killed in the pre-dawn strike on the terror camps in Pakistan on Tuesday.
The JeM had taken the responsibility of the terror strike in Kashmir’s Pulwama district on February 14, in which 44 CRPF personnel were martyred.
“Regret was expressed at continuing denial by Pakistan’s political and military leadership at the presence of terrorist infrastructure in territories under its control,” the MEA said.
“A dossier was handed over to Pakistani side with specific details of JeM complicity in Pulwama terror attack and the presence of JeM terror camps and its leadership in Pakistan,” it said.
The MEA said Pakistan was conveyed that India expects Pakistan to take immediate and verifiable action against terrorism emanating from territories under its control.
In response to the Indian counter-terror operation, Pakistan air force tried to target certain locations in Jammu and Kashmir today morning which was countered by IAF jets.
In the engagement, India shot down a Pakistani jet while an Indian IAF pilot was captured by the Paksitani authorities. India also lost a MiG 21 aircraft.
India also lodged a strong protest at the unprovoked act of aggression by Pakistan, including by violating the Indian air space and targeting military posts.
“This is in contrast to the India’s non-military anti-terror pre-emptive strike at a JeM terrorist camp in Balakote on February 26,” the MEA added. (PTI)