Modi announces ‘April 2019-March 2020’ as Construction-Technology year

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday declared ‘April 2019-March 2020’ as Construction-Technology year and stressed on use of advanced technology to meet the increasing demand of housing in the country caused by rapid urbanisation.

He also sought the support of private sector in fulfilling the Government’s mission of providing brick house to every Indian by 2022.

At the inauguration of the Construction Technology India-2019 Expo-cum-conference here, the Prime Minister said his Government has given a major thrust on affordable housing, brought changes in laws governing the real estate sector, while developing skills and improving technology for it.

The NDA Government has built 1.3 crore houses as compared to “only 25 lakh” houses built during the previous dispensation, Modi said.

“The numbers speak for themselves. This shows how serious we are about our commitment in fulfilling the poor and middle class people’s dream of have a house of their own.”

“We are also ensuring that the houses have water, power and Ujjwala connections (LPG) along with other facilities. The quality of houses and spaces has also improved in the last four-and-half years but more is to be done. For that, I seek the support of the private sector… Let us work together… and do something that helps the poor,” he said. (AGENCIES)