Politicization of bureaucracy unacceptable: Harsh Dev

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 2: Alleging politicization of bureaucracy in the State and open promotion of a particular political party by certain unscrupulous officers, NPP chairman and former Minister Harsh Dev Singh today re-iterated the demand for removal of such officers from sensitive postings.
Talking to media-persons here today Singh said placement of several such officers on prime positions during ensuing elections was highly unjust and capricious as they could influence the polls in a big way. He regretted that despite repeated complaints against some of such officers, the Govt had failed to take action against them thereby revealing the vested interests of the helmsmen in giving them sensitive postings.
He said that Panthers Party would hold massive protests on March 4 on the eve of visit of ECI so as to draw the attention of the Apex Election body towards the abuse of position and authority by reckless Govt functionaries for furthering political prospects of their political masters.
Asserting that the slogan of free and fair elections could not materialize under the motivated and prejudiced officers, Singh called for indulgence of ECI for shifting of such officers from prime positions besides initiation of action against those who were overzealously working under the tutelage of politicians and promoting their interests in utter disregard for civil service regulations and election laws. Such transgressions into the political arena by unscrupulous officers had threatened the very concept of liberal democracy as opposition leadership was being bullied and embarrassed, he said.
These officers were further resorting to political victimization with several complaints against them in Udhampur district having been overlooked by a politicized bureaucracy.
Seeking action on a few of the complaints lodged by the Panthers Party in the past, Singh pointed out that a DySP in District Udhampur had openly campaigned for BJP during Municipal elections in October-November 2018 besides using his subordinate police personnel to propagate his political philosophy. The said officer had now been threatening the people in his jurisdiction to desist from attending political rallies of JKNPP or else they would be booked in false cases, he alleged.