Terrorism should be fought in one voice: Vice-Prez

SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA: Terrorism should be discussed in detail and fought in one voice, said Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu and emphasized on the need for decisive action by international community against individuals and terrorist groups engaged in terrorist activities.

”We discussed in detail the menace of terrorism and the need to fight in one voice. The dastardly terrorist attack on the Indian security forces on February 14, 2019 in Pulwama by a terrorist organization proscribed by the UN has once again demonstrated the need for decisive action by international community against individuals and terrorist groups engaged in terrorist activities,” said Naidu in a joint press statement along with President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado Quesada, here on Friday.

Costa Rica, which has highest per sq km biodiversity in the world and rich flora and fauna, has 25 per cent of protected green cover and holds highest ranking in the Happy Planet Index for being the greenest with highest environment-friendly disposition and attitude, Naidu said.

On being honoured to be given the opportunity to speak at University of Peace, Mr Naidu said, ”Coming from the land of Mahatma Gandhi and in the year when we celebrate 150th anniversary of Bapu’s birthday, the gesture was particularly moving for me.” (AGENCIES)