Presentation of Macbeth

This has reference to the news item’NNK to present ‘Macbeth-The Crown of Blood’ at Bikaner Theatre Festival’ (DE, March, 2019).It is heartening to read that Natraj Natya Kunj ( NNK) Jammu has been invited to present to present the nationally acclaimed Dogri play ‘Macbeth-The Crown of Blood ‘ Bikaner Theatre Festival, Rajasthan.It is a famous and shortest tragedy by William Shakespeare.It is believed to have been first presented in 1606 and was first published in the Folio of 1623.The play deals with the theme of ambition as a result of which Macbeth kills King Duncan and becomes the King. As the play progresses, he is killed by Macduff ,a Scottish nobleman who had seen Macbeth kill King Duncan.It has other sub themes such as prophecy of witches, superstition, guilt, greed, madness etc. Lady Macbeth too kills herself in madness and the play ends with Malcolm inheriting his rightful throne charge.It has rich treasure of words and phrases such as ‘crack of doom,”come what come may’, lily livered’, ‘milk of human kindness’,’eye of newt and tongue of dog’ etc. which are believed to have either been coined or used by Shakespeare for the first time.Moreover, the quotes that we use everyday such as’ There is daggers in men’s smiles’,Fair is foul and foul is fair’, ‘All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand’, Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it’ etc have been used for the first time in this play.Surely, the invitation to NNK Jammu to present this play in Dogri language at the National Theatre Event is a matter of delight and pride for all the Dogras and it is hoped that it will help in the spread and appreciation of Dogri language to the spectators, sweet as it to listen and speak.The fact that this play has already received awards with Best Production, Best Director, Best Music, Best Light in many festivals and various acting awards from J&K Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages,should boost the morale of the professional team associated with the presentation of the play.All the best to the team!
Ashok Sharma,
Housing Colony, Udhampur.