PHE employees stage protest demonstration

PHE workers staging protest near Press Club Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PHE workers staging protest near Press Club Jammu on Monday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 18: The PHE employees held strong protest demonstration in support of their demands near Press Club here today.
A large number of employees, under the banner of all J&K PHE Casual and CP Workers Association assembled near Press Club today and started protest demonstration. They were shouting slogans in support of their demands and also against the higher authorities in the department.
The protesting PHE workers were demanding release of the their wages pending for the last 55 months. They alleged that due to non-release of their wages, their families were facing starvation. They were unable to pay the school fee of their children. The children of man y workers have turned drop outs, they added.

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The employees were also shouting slogans against Finance department for not releasing the wages of daily rated/ casual workers of the department. They alleged that Finance and PHE authorities were causing delay in regularisation of the services of casual and other workers in light of SRO 520.
Several Trade Union leaders addressed the gathering and criticized the state authorities for the exploitation of the working class and depriving them of their wages. They said that the date of first appointment of casual and other workers be considered from the date they resumed their duty and the job be given to next kith and kin of the deceased daily wager like SRO-43 and Rs 5 lakh as special assistance be given to the retiring or retired casual worker, till framing of the proper policy.
They said employees want resolution of issues but if the Government ignored, they will be compelled to intensify agitation.