Security of nation first

The Parliamentary elections are gaining momentum day by day. The political parties are manifesting their policy matters day in and day out to lure political parties. Propoganda denouncing each other has reached high pitch.
The ball lies in the court of people who are empowered by the Constitution of India to decide their fate. The question here arises whether the country needs stable strong and secure Govt or the weak Govt that cannot fulfill the aspirations of the people? In the present scenario we witness that some internal forces are hell bent upon to weaken the unity and integrity of the country. To gain their political ends they stoop low while encouraging anti-national forces in the country.
Some politicians even play religious card while contesting elections which subverts the secular base of the country. The politicians of such character who talk the language of separatists need to be exposed and simultaneously restrict them. The Election Commission of India is powerful enough to stem such anti-national elements propagating divisive politics. Security of nation is our foremost binding and the voters of the country have to think twice in the process of voting.
S N Raina