Karan Singh’s statement misleading: BJP

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 5: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has refuted all allegations made by Dr Karan Singh, senior Congress leader and father of party’s candidate from Kathua-Udhampur-Doda constituency, terming them as misleading and distortion of facts. While BJP is fully aware of the history of J&K, it is also aware of the humiliation caused to the last ruler of the State Maharaja Hari Singh by National Conference- Congress combine under the tutelage of Sheikh Abdullah and Jawahar Lal Nehru, said Brig (retd) Anil Gupta, State spokesperson of the party.
If anybody is responsible for hurting Dogra pride and legacy, it is the last scion of Dogra dynasty who is now trying to gain sympathy by distorting the historical facts, Brig Gupta said in a statement issued here, today.. He betrayed his own father for the sake of pleasing Nehru, a die-hard friend of Sheikh Abdullah who was the enemy of the Maharaja. He remained a mute spectator to decay of Dogra heritage and culture under a deliberate mechanism planned and executed by the National Conference, the party led by the Sheikh. Congress under Nehru did not oppose but encouraged the Sheikh and subsequent Congress led State Governments were no different. All this happened while he (Dr Karan Singh) enjoyed the high office of Sadar-i-Riyasat and Union Minister.
During his tenure as Sadar-i-Riyasat, the then State Government announced July 13 as a State holiday and termed it as Yaum-i-Shoda (Martyrs Day) much against the wishes of Dogras and Kashmiri Pandits thus hurting their sentiments. Similarly, when he was the Union Minister, the then State Government announced holiday on the birthday of Sheikh Abdullah ignoring the Dogra demand for declaring the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh as a State holiday. “On both occasions, he maintained a stoic silence not bothering for the Dogra legacy or the Dogra sentiments and today he is trying to emotionally exploit the Dogras to seek votes for his son,” rued Brig Gupta.
“His son, who is a political novice, is only interested in status and power. For this, he for a minute did not hesitate to accept support of the party which was not only formed to overthrow the then Dogra ruler but also thereafter left no stone unturned to belittle and humiliate the Maharaja,” stated the press release. Their only aim is to somehow remain relevant in the corridors of power.
BJP appealed to the people not to fall prey to their emotional exploitation in the name of Dogra legacy. In fact, they need to be made answerable for their acts and omissions leading to the near extinct of Dogra heritage in the State. BJP is the only party that has always stood solidly for the interests of the Jammu region and Dogras, as per the press release.