Mehbooba appeals to people to reject those attempting to fragment J-K

SRINAGAR: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday said the society needs to collectively reject the nefarious moves aimed at fragmenting Jammu and Kashmir to weaken the special status of the State.

“Recent statement of some right-wing political leaders using lure of sops for a particular community, tactical mandate for Lok Sabha elections by some parties and fielding of proxies clearly point to a design to fragment the popular mandate of the people of the state,” Mufti said addressing a party workers’ convention at Tangmarg in Baramula Lok Sabha constituency.

She said such forces want to “peddle lies” that only Kashmiri-speaking Muslims of the Valley are for the special status of the State.

“Division of our state along sectarian lines and aggravating the fault lines are the ways and means of fragmenting our state and weaken our special status and thus dilute its Muslim-majority character,” she said. (AGENCIES)