New life given to critical woman in Amandeep Hospital

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 6: New life has been given to critical woman in Amandeep Hospital Pathankot.
The precious life was saved in Amandeep Hospital, Pathankot by Dr Rashi Sammi, Senior Gynecologist, who provided timely treatment by taking risk.
Dr Sammi informed that few days ago, a woman from a village of Pathankot came with complaint of heavy bleeding from her vaginal following history of normal vaginal delivery 10 hours back. As per the history given by the patient’s husband, after delivery patient had severe bleeding and was transfused 11 units of blood in Government Hospital at Pathankot but all in vein.
“The patient was referred to some other private Hospitals but all the hospitals refused to take the patient due to deteriorating condition. Then at last, patient was brought to Amandeep Hospital. The status of patient was very critical. Poor prognosis of the patient was explained to attendants. Her blood pressure and pulse were unrecordable. Immediately, patient was incubated and was put on ventilator with inotropes”, Dr Sammi added.
“Patient was immediately shifted to operation theatre and complete exploration of vagina was done and it was found that there is a cervical tear present with hematoma present at episiotomy site. Re-suturing of vagina was done. Episiotomy site was reopened and sutured again. Bleeding was controlled; patient was shifted to ICU and kept on ventilator for 2 days” Dr Sammi said, adding that after keeping her in ICU for close monitoring, patient got hemodynamically stable. After 2 days patient was shifted to room and after 4 days she was discharged in satisfactory condition.
It was great efforts done by Dr Rashmi Sammi, Dr Ankit and whole OT Team and ICU Team. It was not possible without the facilities available in Amandeep Hospital under one roof.
Dr HS Raswan, Medical Director, Amandeep Hospital, Pathankot, told that Amandeep Hospital, Pathankot is blessing for the patients of this region This hospital is catering the patients of three States J&K, HP and Punjab. All the services and experienced staff is available under one roof, Dr Raswan informed