Natural fountain only source of potable water for Kahara tehsil

Womenfolk of Ganori and adjoining villages of Kahara tehsil of Doda climbing a mountain to fetch potable water from a natural fountain.
Womenfolk of Ganori and adjoining villages of Kahara tehsil of Doda climbing a mountain to fetch potable water from a natural fountain.

*PHE Deptt fails to provide piped water supply

Excelsior Correspondent

DODA, Apr 7: Collecting potable water is a matter of life and death for residents of Ganori village, around 11 km from Kahara block. Women and girls of the area have no other option but to defy the threat of snow, avalanches and wild animals simultaneously to collect water from the lone natural source, 2 km from the village in dense forest right beneath the snow peaked mountains.
With PHE (Public Health Engineering) Department and local administration failing to provide potable water to the villagers, the natural fountain is the only source of respite for locals.
Nearly 100 families living on the slopes of three hamlets of Kahara tehsil including Ganori, Kuthal and Naik Mohalla say, they have been without piped water despite several centrally sponsored schemes especially aimed at providing drinking water in rural areas, which exposes them and their livestock to the threat of snow, avalanches and increasing attacks by the wild animals.
It is notable to mention here that 4 villagers including a woman had a narrow escape as they were rescued and airlifted to GMC Jammu after they got buried under the snow while collecting water from the lone natural source.
Shah Nawaz Mir, Panchayat member of Ganori – Kusharthawa said despite several pleas to political representatives and civil administration, nothing has been done to provide piped water to their villages.
When contacted SDM Thathri, Mohd Anwar Banday said, “This is a very serious issue as we are bound to provide basic amenity to every village and to provide healthy drinking water is our priority.”
“I will send a team of engineers of the concerned department to conduct the survey and as soon as snow melts, we will start installation of pipes on war footing,” the SDM added.