Public interest became subservient to personal interest of BJP in Jammu: Rana

NC Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing workers in Mathwar block on Sunday.
NC Provincial President Devender Singh Rana addressing workers in Mathwar block on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
MATHWAR/NAGROTA, Apr 7: Criticising BJP for acute governance deficit during its over three years’ misrule in Jammu and Kashmir, Provincial President Devender Singh Rana today said that public interest became subservient to personal priorities of its leaders.
“To hide their failures, administrative naivety and acts of omission and commission, the BJP leaders resorted to exploitative politics with mistaken belief of hoodwinking the people of Jammu again”, Rana said while addressing workers at Thathi, Dung, Gorda, Bhagani, Dhanu, Keri, Sarote and Jandyal in Mathwar block of Nagrota Assembly Constituency.
He said that no sooner the Jammu BJP got exposed for pursuing personal agenda rather than doing public good, the people realized their mistake of reposing their trust by giving a huge mandate in 2014. “Now that they are back to the pavilion, the people of this region reserve a right to ask their so-called representatives to showcase their record card of over three years. The people would like to know the corrective measures the BJP representatives took to end their much trumpeted slogan of discrimination. In fact, he said, the region got hugely neglected in every sphere-be it employment, development and other spheres of economic activity.
He said the BJP has trampled peoples’ trust and their mandate, as it has proved that other than satiating personal aspirations and ambitions, it could not deliver.
“BJP had raised Jammu’s expectations to crescendo by playing exploitive politics but they ended up in scoring self-goals”, Rana said adding that the naivety of the BJP in governance also took toll of institutions, which got weakened due to lack of political direction.
The Provincial President questioned the brazenness of the failed BJP in going again to the people with another set of exploitative slogans. This is insult to peoples’ wisdom and their sense of judgment. By generating passions over non-issues, the BJP is mistakenly testing the patience of people, who have already resolved to give them a befitting reply in the ensuing elections for their betrayal.
He said the BJP left every segment of Jammu society to fend for themselves, as there was no presence of government anywhere in the state. He said BJP’s administrative and developmental inertia, especially in the rural areas together with neglect of the aspirations of unemployed youth, delays in releasing timely wages to different categories of workers besides failure to provide financial assistance to categorized segments of the population had resulted in unimaginable miseries and an overall atmosphere of vulnerability and penury.
The Provincial President said that Jammu is classic case of betrayal by those who its people trusted the most. “This will not go unacknowledged”, he said while telling the BJP to wait for the peoples’ judgment now.