Secularism synopsis

India has remained secular since times immemorial. The history reveals how Indians have accommodated outsiders on the Indian soil. “Vasdev Kutambum” has remained living ethos of Indian culture where majority people belong to Hindu faith. Tolerant by nature and standing by principle of line and let line this ethos cannot be stained by those politicians who speak and incite separatist theory among the people for personal gain. They even ignite communal passions to secure votes without caring for results words.
The recent nasty speches in election rallies show how politicians of the State attract voters supporting divisive forces while taking oath to uphold the severeignity and integrity of the country. The dual face of these political bosses cannot befool the people of the State anylonger. Minorities of our country have fourished in every field that is why their population goes increasing by leaps and bounds. They have risen to 32 crores since India won freedom. This is an eye opener to the politicians of the State who intolerate minorities.
Here I want to know these politician have done for the KPs who were driven out from the Valley and are living in exile in their own motherland. This miniscule minority community suffered because they are nationalistic. The word secularism and its application and operation has no space in the vale of Kashmir. The time has come when politics of duplicity must end.
S N Raina