Enviable blue-ribbon for India

Shiban Khaibri
The overall burlesqued scenario currently under the twilight across the country built on obscurity, exaggeration, hyped hyperbole, some fake news and distortions, have legitimatised the established culture to accord new definitions to the concepts of being ‘liberal’, secular , progressive , enlightened and ‘impartial’ if one liberally criticised the present dispensation in the country especially the one who leads it. Very few, not on the basis of experience gained and the surveys made but just by reading here and there and watching on the small screen , dare to come out with the facts and the reality though , again feeling on pins to be seen while writing, reporting and performing the “duties” of journalism with what is called “acts of balancing”. That really is unfortunate besides being unhealthy as also unethical. If this writer would have chosen the theme direct and in simpler words , it would read as “PM Modi gets Russia’s top civilian award” or to make it simpler “Modi gets ‘Bharat Ratna’ of Russia” but the tragedy is the chances of instantaneously earning the “titles” of being a “bakht”, “Pro- establishment” and “an RSS man” as to “why this topic especially during election time “?
Not that any of those titles would make any difference so long as adhering to the principles of writing only that which is based on objectivity, fearlessness , reality, with no bias and malice towards anyone or showering favours on someone undeservedly, was followed. The fact that Russia announced that President Putin would confer Russia’s highest civilian award on our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his distinguished work towards promoting bilateral ties and playing his commendable role in International diplomacy is in fact, an award indirectly to Indian voters , their farsightedness and sagacity in having chosen in 2014 Narendra Modi as their leader. Hence, a small explanation about the theme . This award is known as “Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First” and was established by Tsar Peter the Great , in honour of Saint Andrew, the first apostle of Jesus and patron saint of Russia. Some Indian Communist comrades would find a contradiction in the Communist concept itself in that religious terms and themes being very much there in the Russian award which was suspended indefinitely in 1917 as a fallout of the Russian Revolution but restarted in 1998 , nearly after eight decades after hard core Communism of Russia started leaning towards soft capitalism and establishing right to property and the importance of the Private Sector.
The official statement from Russia said that the ‘Order’ was presented to the Prime Minister of India for his distinguished contribution to the development of a privileged strategic partnership between Russia and India and friendly ties between the Russian and the Indian peoples. A Russian official said that the said award was given to prominent statesmen, public figures and those working in the fields of science, culture and arts in recognition of their exceptional services in promoting prosperity and glory of Russia.
The Order could also be awarded to foreign heads of State for outstanding services. Previous recipients include Chinese President Xi Jinping , the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachav and author Aleksandr Solzenitsyn.
Only a few days ago, the United Arab Emirates announced the Sheikh Zayed award for Modi Ji in connection with his pivotal role in strengthening ties between the two nations. The Crown Prince of Abhu Dhabi Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan tweeted that the UAE had historical and comprehensive strategic ties with India , reinforced by the pivotal role of ‘Dear friend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’ who gave these relations a big boost and in appreciation of his efforts , the UAE President grants him the Zayed medal. This medal is the highest decoration of the UAE awarded to Kings, Presidents, and heads of states. The prestigious Seoul Peace Prize 2018 for ‘Modinomics’ was conferred on him in recognition of his contribution to the growth of the Indian and global economies for reducing social and economic disparity between the rich and the poor. He is the 14th recipient of this coveted award. Again in 2018, Modi Ji was honoured with UN Champions of the Earth Award, the highest environmental honour of the United Nations.
He was also conferred with ‘Grand Collar of the state of Palestine by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas , in recognition of his contribution in promoting relations between India and Palestine. Earlier in 2016, Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian honour ‘ King Abdulaziz Sash was awarded to Modi Ji by King Salman bin Abdulaziz at the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia. This award has earlier been conferred on US President Barack Obama, British PM Cameron , Russian President Putin, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and Indonesian President Widodo. In June 2016, Afghanistan conferred on him the Amir Amanullah Khan Award , Afghanistan’s top civilian award.
Not only the above mentioned awards and decorations were decided in favour of Modi Ji by different countries and institutions, he won the Readers’ Poll in 2016. Notable thing is that among the total votes cast, 18 per cent went to Modi which is two times more than the percentage of votes received by the then US President Obama, US President elect Trump and founder of Wikileaks Assange who all got 7% votes each. In 2018, Modi Ji was ranked among the 10 most powerful people in the world in the World’s Most Powerful People list that was topped by Chinese President Xi Jinping. Narendra Modi was adjudged the third most followed leader on Twitter in 2018 only after Trump and Pope Francis as per study by a Global Communications Agency Burson Cohn &Wolfe.
Never has India witnessed getting not only duly so much ‘noticed’ internationally but standing among the comity of nations with an exalted height and with a plume as during the last four and a half years. It is not on account of wearing a particular suit only by PM Modi in international events, cost of which was put at Rs. 40 lacs back home but the one wearing that incessantly making a dent in India’s Foreign Policy and International diplomacy. The honour and the prestige of 135 crore Indians saw a surge during this period hence these awards. Awards to the leader are in fact awards to the people of a country who proved wise enough to elect such a deserving and efficient leader. Hence the ‘Bharat Ratna’ award of Russia conferred on Modi Ji is , in fact an enviable blue -ribbon for India ‘s 135 crore people.
Awards are not saleable nor got unless the recipient deserved it . Any Indian Prime Minister getting so much importance internationally and during a short span of less than five years on account of his contribution and hard work both towards addressing sensitive and critical issues concerning the global countries as also his dedication towards overall fast progress and development of India and fighting corruption and exposing the corrupt and the dishonest, should be a matter of pride for all Indians.
While the prestigious Russian award is announced for Modi Ji , he is shockingly carrying a title of “Chowkidar Chor Hai” conferred on him by Congress leaders and very recently, Delhi Aa Aa Party called him General Dyer Modi . Gen. Reginald Dyer was the British military man who in 1919 ordered and supervised massacre of hundreds of innocent Indians in Amritsar’s Jallianwala Bagh. Affronting names , abuses , reviles , plentiful of jibs and barbs have all been heaped on him by many political leaders during the last five years but still International community has so heavily decorated and honoured him. Fatty and too many Indian opposition parties are all up in arms against one individual Modi , surely he must be considered so much important and invincible. Despite that, he is unquestionably neither a ‘Chor’ nor a ‘Dyer’.