Expedite regularisation process of engineers: JKEEGA

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 16: An urgent meeting of the Executive body of Jammu and Kashmir Electrical Engineering Graduates Association (JKEEGA) was held at the Association office, Panama Chowk, here today under the chairmanship of Harvrinder Singh, president JKEEGA to discuss the burning issue pertaining to the regularization of the engineers.
The progress on regularization was discussed threadbare and the members present voiced their opinion to appeal to the Governor for expediting the regularization process of Engineers of Power Development Department.
The Association members apprised the Governor that for the last 17 years regularization of the engineers is pending with the Administrative Department. This is due to the fact that the Administration is placing/promoting the engineers to the next rank only on Adhoc and stop-gap arrangements at the time of promotions which has caused frustration and distress among the officers of the department.
It is worthwhile to mention here that Development Commissioner Power, Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers and Assistant Executive Engineers are superannuated in the grades of Junior Engineers or at the most Assistant Engineers which speaks volumes about the total indifference and humiliating treatment to the services rendered by them spreading over decades. Not only this, the serving senior engineers such as Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers etc are drawing salaries of either Junior Engineers or Assistant Engineers at the maximum. The loss thus is accruing with passage of time.
It is unfortunate that in the past some regularizations have taken place where officers were regularized when they were no more. The working conditions of employees of PDD can be gauged from the very fact that the Engineers appointed as Junior Engineers in 1986 are still working on substantive grade of Junior Engineer. Similarly, the Engineers appointed as Assistant Engineers through PSC in 1994 are still working on substantive grade of Assistant Engineers even though some of them are presently holding the charge of the post of Chief Engineer. The members expressed concern over the ‘casual’ approach of the Administration towards fulfilling the long-pending genuine demand of regularization of the engineers of PDD.
The Association sought urgent intervention of the Governor into the matter.