Huriyat Conference on verge of split

High Voltage drama at Rajbagh
Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, May 8: The moderate faction of separatist Huriyat Conference led by Mirwaiz Omar Farooq is on the verge of split following serious differences among its constituents over what is being alleged as hijacking of the amalgam by some of its leaders.
The statement of former chairman Professor Abdul Gani Bhat on 1948 United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir added fuel to the fire as senior separatist leaders Shabir Ahmad Shah, Nayeem Ahmad Khan and Mohammad Azam Inqulabi raised objections over it.
Bhat while addressing a public rally at his hometown Boitingoo in Sopore area of North Kashmir had said last week that the U N resolutions cannot be implemented for resolving Kashmir issue in view of the prevailing situation in the sub-continent and around the globe.
The Executive meeting of the Huriyat Conference (M) at its Rajbagh headquarters today witnessed heated argument among Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, Professor Abdul Gani Bhat, Shabir Shah, Masroor Abbas Ansari and Bilal Lone over the restructuring of Huriyat Conference and statement made by the former chairman of the amalgam Professor Abdul Gani Bhat.
And outside the meeting hall in the Huriyat headqauters, high voltage drama was witnessed with the supporters of Shabir Shah and Bilal Gani Lone raising slogans against each other. Lone’s supporters raised slogans like “Shaheedoun Kay Paisu Ka Hisab Dou” and Shah’s supporters pointing at Lone raised slogans like “Delli Waalay Delli Jao”.
Bhat statement added fuel to the already differences in the Huriyat Conference constituents over the re-structuring of Huriyat Conference. The Huriyat constituents allege that the separatist amalgam is being hijacked by some Huriyat leaders.
Sources said that Shabir Ahmad Shah was angry over Bhat’s statement during today’s meeting and asked Huriyat Chairman to seek explanation from him and other leaders over the issue. However, sources said that Bhat told the meeting that he had said nothing un-constitutional and repeated that UN resolutions have lost their relevance in the present context.
While talking to media persons after the executive meeting, Mirwaiz Omar said that as per Huriyat Conference constitution, UN resolutions are basis for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir issue. He said that UN has its role and they should fulfill their responsibility.
He said that constitution of Huriyat Conference also includes negotiated settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue by India, Pakistan and people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mirwaiz in order to put a lid over the controversy barred the leaders of Huriyat Conference from making “‘un-constitutional” statements in public and directed them to discuss issues in Huriyat Conference meetings.
He also ruled out any Common Minimum Programme with the mainstream parties like National Conference and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) till they follow the electoral politics. Bhat had said last week that if PDP and NC leave electoral politics and join Huriyat Conference, they will be welcomed.
It may be mentioned here that Huriyat Conference leader and National Front, Nayeem Ahmad Khan while taking strong exception to the statement of Professor Bhat during a seminar in Srinagar yesterday said that UN resolutions are relevant in the final dispensation of the Jammu and Kashmir issue. He added that nobody has the mandate to say anything averse in this context.
Nayeem had said that the genuine leaders among the separatist fold are being pushed to the wall. He said the separatist leaders who have sound financial backing are receiving all the support both within the forum and outside the forum.
He also objected to the statement of another Hurriyat leader, Bilal Lone who has termed Shabir Ahmad Shah as hypocrite. He without naming Bilal Lone said that there are some leaders within the conglomerate who have a strong financial backing and as such get the coverage in the media.
Meanwhile, the head of Dukhtaran-e-Millat Asiya Andrabi in a statement expressed shock over the happenings in Huriyat headquarters today. She said that some of the leaders in Huriyat Conference are preparing to take part in elections.