Need to adopt a pro-active approach

The recent spate of cross-border firing on Indian troops manning LoC and other posts in J&K has sent shock waves across the country. Reliable sources referred to about 117 incidents of cease fire violations by Pakistani troops across the LoC. In some cases, the Indian troops were forced to retaliate with utmost restraint. However, the incident that took place at Mendhar area of Poonch District has shocked the conscious of every patriotic and right thinking Indian. The beheading of an Indian jawan and mutilation of another by Pak troops, who had intruded stealthy into the Indian territory, clearly reflects the mindset of Pak. Army and their civilian leadership. It is a hard fact that the ongoing peace process has failed to achieve any tangible results. The peace process has only benefitted Pakistan. But our political leadership is obsessed with carrying on peace process with Pakistan. Over the years, there have been many cultural exchanges, seminar and conferences involving members of civil society and officials from both the countries. So much so that different types of proposals like demilitarization of Siachen Glacier, settling of Sir Creek issue in Gujarat and other allied matters were discussed. The decision of the Indian Government to liberalize Visa System and grant liberty to Pak. nationals above 65 years of age to travel in India freely except in States of J&K, Punjab and Kerla, is fraught with great danger. Normalization of ties with neighbouring countries is a welcome step but it should not be at the cost of security of our country and people.
It is rightly said that nation comes always first. But promoting friendship and nurturing personal relations at the cost of National interests is suicidal for the country. The US and UK Foreign policy is always guided by national interests. Since 1947, despite good efforts from our political establishment to maintain cordial relations with Pakistan have met with failure. Some people in the Indian establishment still believe that peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through mutual trust and understanding. But this kind of thinking on the part of Indian leadership has failed to yield anything substantial. The gravity of the two incidents that took place along the LoC in J&K must neither be seen as a localized affair of trivial importance nor should be blown out of proportion as a prelude to a major incidents of tension between two arch rivals in the subcontinent. Despite provocation of grave nature, some sections of Indian leadership, intellectuals and some sections of civil society have said that such incidents do occur every now and then but both sides should not allow the matters to go out of control. These men in the peace industry still advocate a multilevel engagement between India and Pakistan. This section of society is not fully aware of ground situation.
The need of the hour is to pay Pakistan in the same way and to make it realize the cost of such kind of misadventures against India. We have examples of many countries before us. The Israelis have a high level of self respect and they believe in the policy of tit for tat. The adversaries should be made to remain at tenterhooks even if they falsely show repentance. Therefore, time has come that we should reshape our foreign policy and also revise our strategic policy in the light of these gruesome developments by the Pakistani Army. It is quite clear that the brutality on the LoC raises doubts about the credibility of the peace process. India should have a fresh look in this matter. Many persons in the Indian establishment still believe that Pakistan is going to get advantage by drawing international attention towards Kashmir affairs. Some also feel that internal situation in Pakistan is not conducive, some say that a change of guard is around the corner in Pakistan. But what we have to do with such type of changes. We have to do nothing with the internal affairs of Pakistan. Some members of the civil society even went to the extent of saying that by blowing the matter out of proportion, the relations between the two countries would again get jeopardized. They must know that it would not be a one sided affair.
India has granted a number of one sided concessions to Pakistan including most favoured Nation Status. But the result of these one sided concessions are before us. Pakistan has not given any concession to India. The countries are not governed with emotions, but with firm decisions. It is now expected that some kind of change should be made and priorities refixed to guard the National interests. The incident at Mendhar and other similar gruesome acts committed in the past by the Pakistani establishment have inflamed the Indian Public Opinion. It could, of course, achieve mush more if New Delhi would exert pressure on Pakistan at International Level. By doing so, India would be able to contain Pakistan to some extent and would surely be able to isolate Pakistan at the International Level for various acts of overt and covert missions. India should not look at loosing friendship with Pakistan. But the change of policy would definitely yield better results than the previous laid back approach. By adopting proactive approach, Pakistan can be cornered in a better way and peace can be achieved in the long run.