Day care centers for Sr Citizens

This refers to ‘Organising senior citizens’ by Dr Raja Muzaffar (DE 23rd April). Senior citizens in J&K are facing tremendous problems and most of them are unaware about the legislation namely Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2014 that was passed by J&K legislature almost 5 years back. Under this law old and deprived citizens who are mistreated by their family members can be given legal protection. With regard to Day Care Centers, there are very few such centers in our state almost negligible. These centers can act as binding force for senior citizens where issues of society can be discussed. I appeal to the Chief Justice to give direction for opening of a day care center in Jammu city as well. She has played the pivotal role in setting up of Srinagar day care center at Chanapora also called Ahata Waqar.
The NGOs can play a great role in running day care and recreational centers and the department of social welfare must em-panel Non Governmental Organisations who have been working for senior citizens to set up day care and recreational centers in each block of J&K. Making available village Panchayat buildings as reading rooms and recreational centers for old and young people is also a good idea.
B A Bhat
J&K High Court



In this fast paced life where every individual is involved in materialistic pursuit, a section of society – senior citizens face tremendous problems. This section of society finds itself in a situation where it feels lonely and neglected. It realizes that its wards have to move out from their cosy confines in search of livelihood at a place far away, but at the same time fail to face the reality.
They do not want their children to move away from their eyes. Besides they have to meet their healthcare needs which come at a heavy cost. Perturbed over these developments they feel helpless and concerned about their future. To pass their days peacefully and with dignity, it is imperative that old age homes on the pattern of Ahata Waqar be opened at almost all district headquarters. The Government must allocate sufficient funds for this task. It will indeed be a great service to humanity.
Rakesh Bhat