Save holy Devika

Even a cursory comparison of the overall condition of the holy Devika river at Purmandal as at present, with how it used to look and contain water for us few decades ago would not be of any avail to pin point the reasons of its fast deterioration unless we also list out who were actually responsible for it. That all is needed for the obvious reasons to try to stop further ravaging and violating this river, otherwise considered sacred if not equivalent to but not also any less to the holy Ganga. Anti ecological measures vis-à-vis instances of unauthorised constructions just nearby and direct discharge of wastes therefrom coupled with encroachments, extraction of minerals, cremations at spots wilfully chosen, dumping of municipal waste, solid waste and other types of garbage into it have all resulted in the present scenario and the mess this river has been reduced to, which appears to be heart rending. If those responsible for its present condition still do not understand the gravity of what it means to grossly exploit to the extent of gradual destruction of natural boons, the apprehensions whether this river could at all be saved and its glory in respect of its superb water quality and overall sheen and grace restored would weigh high on the negative side.
An analysis of the quality of the water of this river by the State Pollution Control Board as a result of a sanctioning of a water quality monitoring station at Purmandal under the aegis of the concerned Union Ministry, revealed that in comparison to the desired parameters it stood nowhere even near the below averages. Such a state of affairs of this river considered holy appeared in fact to be totally unholy and perhaps not required beyond a big drain of water carrying pollutants and waste material finding way in it. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) should normally be less than two milligrams per litre of water and the water of this river was found nowhere fulfilling this basic criteria. In fact, BOD is the quantum of dissolved oxygen consumed by micro – organisms to decompose the organic matter present in the water. This BOD should be normally low for the health and the quality of the water.
Similarly, the other vital parameter the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) which should be less than 9 mg per litre was found to be over 10.5 in respect of the water of this river. COD is an indirect measurement of the extent of pollution in the water which cannot be oxidized biologically. In addition to the disheartening results on these two critical parameters, what was visible to the naked eye was the colour of the water which was yellowish besides possessing the irritating foul smell revealing the extent of pollution in this river. For all this, we the people, otherwise having emotional attachment with it, are responsible and must not only own our part in subjecting this river to such levels but at least generate an awakening to stop such an approach so as to make successful any efforts by the Government and other concerned agencies in bringing about a perceptible overall change both in the quality of its water as also its look sans any waste material and other pollutants.
An appraisal of those measures which though promised by successive Governments to be initiated for cleansing its waters and freeing it from encroachments have so far been found to be less practical and appearing more on papers. This fact, more or less, has been corroborated indirectly by the reports on the condition of this river by the scientists of the Pollution Control Board. If this river has to be saved, cremation of dead bodies in and around this river needs to be prohibited which has been one of the main recommendations made by the experts and the scientists. People need to cooperate in order to maintain the sanctity of this river. Discharging of sewage and other pollutants into this river need to be prohibited strictly. State Departments like Revenue, Geology and Mining, Urban Local Bodies, State Pollution Control Board and other concerned agencies need to take concerted action on a short term basis as also long term to preserve, protect and save this river from further deterioration and destruction. Certainly, a few strict measures, even looking unpleasant on the face of it, have to be taken otherwise emotional feelings like remorse and guilt shall be the only things left with in respect of this river.