Saving Earth

This has reference to the writeup’Save Earth, Save Life’ (DE, Apr 22, 2019).The Earth Day, being celebrated every year on Apr 22 to awaken the people about environmental problems, is really one of the most important days which are celebrated across the world.Earth is home to all the living species, including plants and animals.It has been bestowed with all the resources such as water, oxygen, mild temperature etc to make life of plants and animals possible.There is interaction and inter-dependence between living organisms and nonliving things such as oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, light etc.But, in his greed and selfishness, man has been ruthlessely exploiting its resources irresopnsibly, with the result, many severe problems such as global warming,unseasonal rains, environmental pollution,melting of glaciers etc have cropped up, which are threatening life on the earth.As a result of environmental degradation, a large number of species of plants and animals have already vanished and many are on the verge of extinction.It is here that every person on the earth owes a duty to play an important role in taking care of the Mother Earth.We need to plant more and more trees, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and avoid polluting the water bodies by our irresponsible actions such as discharging poisonous industrial effluents into water bodies.Similarly, use of plastic should be banned and there should be judicious use of all the resources.We ought to learn to depend more on renewable and ecofriendly resources rather than on those that are exhaustible and pollute the environment.It is good that the theme of this year’s Earth Day is ‘Protect our Species’.
This good earth belongs to all the species and not only to man.Man’s actions have already destroyed forests and disturbed the habitats of animals and plants.Many species have become extinct and many others are endangered.Faced with encroachment of their space as a result of man’s invasion on their habitat, many species of animals are migrating to human habitations and no wonder, there are many cases of man-animal conflicts. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of one and all to contribute their mite to protect Mother Earth from degradation.If no measures are taken, the day will come when life on this beautiful planet will come to an end and we will reach a point of no return.So we have to act today as it may be too late tomorrow.
Ashok Sharma,
Flat No 4,
Housing Colony, Udhampur