Don’t take RTI casually


This is in reference to your editorial Don’t take J&KRTI Act casually (DE April 30th). I congratulate editori-al team of Daily Excelsior for highlighting the issues ofgreat public importance on regular basis through valuableeditorials. Right to Information Movement is losing itssheen in Jammu and Kashmir from last couple of yearsas Government officials particularly the officers in Rur-al Development Department (RDD) continue to violatethis law. State Information Commission (SIC) has beencastigating ACDs & BDOs on several occasions and veryrecently very harsh words were used by the commissionagainst RDD while disposing off appeals against BDOsposted in Doda , Kishtwar and Rajouri districts along withthe respective ACDs. The training programmes on RTI are also held veryoccasionally now. During 2011 to 2014 more than 2500officers were trained by Government on RTI implemen-tation, but during last 3 years not even 100 such officers(PIOs) have been trained. This was revealed when Gov-ernment filed its response last year before High Court inthe PILtitled J&K RTI Movement V/S J&K Governmentand others. Corrupt Government officers are lobbying and gang-ing up to defeat the process of RTI law but we will fightthis tooth and nail. The High Court direction on volun-tary disclosure of information under section 4 of State lawand holding of awareness progammes is yet to be imple-mented by Govt. We are now mulling a contempt petitionsoon.Dr Raja Muzaffar BhatFounder & ChairmanJammu & KashmirRTI Movement