Nukad play ‘Akhri Padaw, Mansik Tanaw’ staged

A scene from the Nukad play 'Akhri Padaw, Mansik Tanaw' staged at Jammu on Monday.
A scene from the Nukad play 'Akhri Padaw, Mansik Tanaw' staged at Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 6: Theatre group ‘Ek Sath Rang Mandal’ here today staged Vijay Malla’s Nukad play ‘Akhri Padaw, Mansik Tanaw’ based on miseries of elders at Old Age Home.
The actors in the play expressed different characters with their individual thoughts at old age.
The first character who is an elder asks his son to take his family to the new place where he (son) is transferred after promotion as the elder has made mind to stay back alone or he will manage to stay at Old Age Home.
The second character (also an elder) tells that he knows his son is not comfortable and happy in the old house due to his status in society. This elder expresses desire to stay back in the house all alone because certain emotions and memories were still alive there. Here the son says that he needs money after selling the house and suggests the elder to stay at Old Age Home.
Similar emotional were the views of other characters in the play.
Actors who performed in the play were Happy Gupta, Ashok, Raju Mad, Rohit Gupta, Khushi, Daksh, Arzoo, Inder and Vijay Malla.