
Thursday May 16-2019

Aries : You realise it’s a good thing to share the secrets of your success. Whatever you give, says Ganesha, will come back to you multiplied by nine. Now that you seek to be open and accommodating, more respect will come your way.

Taurus : You are likely to remain unconquerable and unassailable throughout the day. Caution: Stay focussed and avoid frittering away your time and energy. You may face stress at work or in some ongoing project. Expect a relatively serene evening with your beloved, says Ganesha.

Gemini : Today is an important phase in your life. You will be making a few crucial decisions. At work, you will come up with several fresh ideas, which, along with your willpower, form the winning concoction for your company. In the evening, you may spend a few extra bucks on comforts and entertainment, says Ganesha.

Cancer : The day proceeds lazily. But your work will pick up pace later in the day. Ganesha cautions about your health. As chance of stomach upset is likely, be careful of what you eat or drink. Do not neglect any ailment and contact doctor promptly.

Leo : Champagne, anyone? Well, Ganesha seems to favour a good celebration today as you give a major boost to your reputation in your chosen field. You will bring success and glory to all your associates. Do not be misled by the initial stress of your workplace, as it shall fade away with the passage of day. Let love and affection of your loved ones be the highlight of your day, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Ganesha predicts an imaginative and fruitful day for you at the workplace. You will feel your professional best in the afternoon. With your elegance, you will manage to put your ideas across the table and win the approval of your boss. You may pamper your beloved lavishly later in the evening.

Libra : Ganesha says that today may not be a great day for you professionally as higher ups in your office may try to block your path to success. You will have to spend more time doing work and this will mean spending less time with your family. Ganesha says never forget the sacrifices your family members have made for your success.

Scorpio : Life’s not too slow nor too fast: you are going steady and strong, feels Ganesha. On the career front, simply grin and bear it all. Workplace efficiency will improve today. At home, you will be happy and content and more importantly – at peace, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : A mixed bag of fortunes in store today, says Ganesha. At work, expect the unexpected and overlook the expected. Don’t you worry if you stumble there, says Ganesha, for the evening promises to be ecstatic and a fitting finale to a rather muddled day.

Capricorn : Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly showered with attention at work. Ganesha says it’s your lucky day today, for you will leave no room for complacency and rewards for this may come by way of special treatment from your colleagues and even your boss. Seniors, who may have bullied you and taken you for a ride in the past, will admire your efforts and potential to achieve great things.

Aquarius : Financially, you are on a stable ground today, so make the most of it. You will give a tough fight to your competitors, and leave them far behind in the race as not many can beat you in your own game. Beware of those green-eyed people around, alerts Ganesha, as they are waiting for you to make a mistake and get off the track.

Pisces : You might as well drive into a brick wall and hope it is spongy, as expect to achieve a lot of success today. However, this does not mean that you ought to give up. Indeed, it is the Herculean efforts that you put in today that will bring you many laurels and much appreciation, as well as stupendous success in the near future, says Ganesha.