Explain Hyderabad terror

The number of Hyderabad twin-bomb fatalities has risen to 16. Many wounded in the blast are in a critical condition. Several State Governments including Andhra Pradesh have condemned the bomb blast that has taken a heavy toll of life. Tempers are high among the parliamentarians. Both Houses of Parliament were adjourned on Friday till noon after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led opposition created a ruckus over Thursday’s twin blasts in Hyderabad in which at least 16 people have been killed and several others injured. Many people have raised their voice against Government’s inability to act in time and forestall the criminal conspiracy. Condemning the blasts in Hyderabad, Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Friday questioned why the Government had been unable to prevent these incidents despite having relevant intelligence inputs. Obviously when the Home Minister says that they had prior information that terrorists are planning to strike, and they succeeded, the Government should explain what shortcomings are there that such attacks are taking place. The country and the entire Parliament are committed to preventing terror from spreading its tentacles. If that is the situation, what has prevented the Government from taking strong preventive measures even if it damaged the image of some of the political leaders in this country?
After the execution of Afzal Guru, everybody said that the terrorists would strike and strike with vengeance. But the Home Minister and his juniors tried to convince the country that foolproof measures had been taken to prevent any repercussions. Incidents like this are meant to destabilise normal life. It makes live a life of fear and uncertainty and that is precisely what the terrorists and their mentors want to do.
This twin blast shows that terrorists are active in the country and there is no relent in their subversive activities. It is true that despite efficient vigil, the terrorists can and do strike and run away without being either detected or apprehended. This is low intensity war unleashed by the terrorists who have vowed to destabilise the country. About two weeks ago, in a large rally of religious extremists groups of Pakistan held in Lahore, a number of speakers had said that they (jihadis) had defeated three big powers, namely the US, UK and Russia and now was the turn of India. They have been spitting poison against our country and taken a vow to destabilise it as they dream of Caliphate of medieval times. In view of this harsh reality, it becomes necessary for our policy planners to change their mindset and re-think the strategy of meeting the challenge of internal terror. In J&K, we are faced with externally sponsored terror in which external elements are directly involved. But in the case of blasts in some of the prominent cities of the country, by and large, locals are involved. It is true that they could have sponsors in a foreign country keeping in mind their linkages.
The disturbing situation is that there is slackness somewhere in our entire security structure and policy planning system that we are unable to prevent recurrence of bomb blasts and other terrorist activities. Some people are of the opinion that terror in our country is being politicised. Political parties are more concerned about their constituencies and how to keep them in a happy mood rather than the major concerns of security affecting the country. Why have not any minor or manor incidents happened in the US after 9/11? How come the civil society and individuals have aborted the efforts of terrorists to blow up subways or market places? The reason is that there is strong awareness among the people. The police there are so friendly to people that the people have no hesitating in bringing intelligence to them about the movement of terrorists. But in our country the reverse is the order of the day. This is not the way how we can fight terrorism. Policy planners will have to change their mindset. Those trying to draw political mileage out of terrorism should be shown their proper place. Even political bigwigs if suspect should be stripped of their position and status. Unless strong measures are taken against all those who sympathise with terrorists or patronize them or provide them any sort of safety have to be brought to book. It is at this stage that political manoeuvring takes place and country’s security is compromised.