Reorganisation of J&K

This is in reference to the article “Reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir” by Col J P Singh in this paper on 20th May.
The author has used a sobriquet (Re-organization) which is derogatory keeping in view the sentiments of the people and the secular fabrics of the state.
There is no denying the fact that the article is propagating and proposing an ideology of Divide and Rule. He has no right to infuse such ideology into the innocent minds of people of this state, the brunt of which already this country is bearing since 1947. In response to sterling example NEFA, the land of seven sisters, with conscious intent I would say that cupidity of previous Congress Governments and blunder of carving of these contiguous seven sub-states has witnessed a lot of turmoil in North East India both at political and diplomatic front, as per official reports. We can’t forget that because of this sub-division formula, the regions of seven sister states which lie in the vicinity of neighbours like China or Bangladesh have experienced sudden vulnerability to different cultures, alienation and foreign invasion”.
J & K State has a distinct cultural, social and demographic identity which can’t be fiddled or tarnished by sobriquet terminologies like surgical strike. The problem of this state is not somebody’s personal property. There is a democratic set-up which is run by elected representatives of people of the state. Due to lack of state governance, this state has been confined to empty rhetoric and customary speeches that has precipitated unholy nexus with Centre. Being, an inhabitant of this state that is vibrant in ethnic and religious diversity, I feel proud to say that we represent true face of India i.e., Unity in Diversity.
Not to forget, apart from Jammu, Srinagar and Ladakh, there were other regions along Pir-Panjal which were also like Princely states but they have never raised such demands despite the fact that they have been neglected on large number of social, political or economic issues. Instead of making the infuriating remarks about Articles 370 and 35A, Col Sahib should be more focused towards the core issues of this state like Unemployment, militancy, insurgency, political discourse, peace and hormony. The state is passing through the stage of unrest and turmoil and there is apprehension that such remarks can further fuel the active volcano. Re-organising the state into three sub-states will not only dilute the cultural diversity but will create a chaos and vicious cycle of polarization and regionalism. I would also like to respond to Prof AM Pandit (reference in the article) for mooting similar ideas without taking into account that what will happen to Kashmiri Pandits living in exile. In the end, I would like to stress upon that the problem of the state can only be resolved by sustainable dialogue only.
Javed Ahmed Rana
on e-mail