
Thursday June 04-2019

Aries : You are inclined to overprotect your private life, especially regarding relationships. And Ganesha says thrilling stuff is on the cards for you today! You will also make a last ditch effort to complete some pending work.

Taurus : It is very likely that you will stay physically alert and spiritually awake today, forecasts Ganesha. You will discover an artistic temperament as you engage in performing arts, designing, graphics and special effects. You will also appear extremely tempting to the opposite gender.

Gemini : You are likely to have a great time with like-minded people, says Ganesha. At work, achieving perfection will be your motto. You will strive for perfection at work and home. You will remain practical and pragmatic throughout the day.

Cancer : Though the day will spring a lot of challenges, you will be up to it every single time. Your mind will be sharp, and will run like an athlete taking part in a marathon. All you need is a little self-belief. And there will be no stopping you once you set your mind free. You may experiment with the interiors of your house.

Leo : A comedy of errors is only funny in hindsight. Anyway, too much practicality is what ruined the world, says Ganesha. So for a change, gear up for an easy and relaxed day. Anything goes today, and having your hair groomed seems to be the best idea you have had in a long time. But amidst all this, do not forget to pay special attention to pending tasks at the workplace. Ganesha foresees you sashaying a new look in the evening!

Virgo : You are likely to be the goose mother today – violently protective and intensely reclusive. Intense affairs of the heart will materialise amazingly faster than transporter beams from Star Trek do. Procrastination will finally be slain as Ganesha sees an eventful day in store.

Libra : The ghosts of ‘old lovers past’ are in the air. There is every possibility that you might end up reliving an old romantic affair; maybe even get treated to your heart’s content by your soul mate. Everything is possible in love. The afternoon may bring with it mixed fortunes. But remember to put on your party hat in the evening. Being a special invitee to a stag party with your mates is always fun. Go have a riot, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : The company of like-minded people will keep you in cheery spirit throughout the day. The day promises to be lively and vibrant as you will engage in one activity after another. But Ganesha warns that being over enthusiastic may be detrimental to your health. You energy level will be at an all-time high as you enjoy soaring to new heights in the company of loved ones.

Sagittarius : Work, work and more work will be your day’s agenda. A power-packed performance is expected from you. Though hectic, the day will be easy going as your bosses are likely to be lenient on you. Love and affection from family is on the cards as well.

Capricorn : You will try finding the logic and reason behind everything you do and observe today, says Ganesha. Work may leave you a little stressed and worried, but the hope of having something better in the future will keep you going in your endeavours, come hell or high water. And when you return home after the day’s arduous work, family and loved ones will shower their unconditional love on you, which will further motivate you.

Aquarius : Straighten your tie and pull in your tummy, it’s time to make an impression! And that’s not all; you need to be sharp as important decisions await you. Haste will not do, as these decisions may have a long-term impact, cautions Ganesha.

Pisces : Today is a day when the focus is solely on achieving your career goals. A joint venture you have been hankering after for quite some time ought to fall into place today. A tour for business purposes is also indicated. On the domestic front, all should be well, says Ganesha.