No end to open defecation in Jammu

JMC proposes mobile, community toilets

Sanjeev K. Sharma
JAMMU, June 3: While open defecation is posing a grave threat to the sanctity of City of Temples, the menace also contributes towards the desecration of River Tawi popularly known as Surya Putri (daughter of Sun God) in Hindu mythology.
Though many responsible sections of the society are concerned over the issue of open defecation yet for solution all pin hopes on Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) with its team of 75 Councillors spread across all the Wards of the city.
When contacted, many of these Councillors blamed non-State labourers for open defection problem.
“People have rented-out their homes to outsiders mainly labourers and vendors. At some places one room is being used even by 10 persons. So the toilet problems are natural and consequently these people go to Tawi area for easing themselves and spoil the river,” Mohiudin Chowdhary, JMC Councillor of Ward no. 6 (Gujjar Nagar area) said with reference to his Ward.
Apart from open defecation, Chowdhary said, a Nallah made by UEED for sewerage purpose between Peer Kho and Tawi is left open and in rainy days it floods litter and filth in the area which ultimately flows to Tawi thereby polluting the water.
“If this Nallah is completed and taken to its planned end then some of the litter entering the holy river can be stopped,” the Councillor said.
He further said that a slaughter house in his Ward also throw its wastes in Tawi via a drain which opens at cremation ground and hurts sentiments of people performing last rites of their dear ones.
Sucha Singh, Councillor of Ward no. 31 (Puran Nagar area) claimed that his Ward is worst affected in this regard.
“There are 30 local families in my Ward which have no toilets at their homes. I took their case to JMC and submitted their required documents as were demanded for the purpose but finally JMC authorities said that things had changed to online system,” he said adding that till date nothing has been done in this regard and those families were still going outside to ease themselves.
“Apart from outside labour, my Ward also accommodates Amarnath Yatris at base camp of Yatra,” he said.
“When Jammu-Srinagar National Highway is blocked, number of pilgrims at the base camp increases alarmingly with limited toilets failing to facilitate them and ultimately these pilgrims reach Tawi side to ease themselves,” Singh informed.
He further said that something necessarily should be done in this regard if we seriously want to maintain the sanctity of holy-river and city of temples.
Councillor Narotam Sharma of Ward no. 3, which includes some part of old Jammu city and area near River Tawi said that he has even spent money from his pocket to give toilet to a needy family in his Ward as the need was urgent.
“For others, I have asked JMC to do the needful,” he said adding that from Peer Kho Park to the top, there are three public toilets but still wrestlers at a Akhara there go outside for easing themselves.
On outside labourers he said that they are very less in number in his Ward.
Sham Lal Basson, Councillor of Ward no. 48 (Bahu Fort area) said though the problem of open defecation is there wherein mostly outside labourers and some locals too go at riverside or at nallahs to ease themselves, community toilets for such people along riverside are under plan while household toilets for others too will soon be all over the area and none will be seen going outside for easing.
“Non-State labourers and illegally staying Rohingiyas are living in vacant plots with no facilities of toilets and these people defecate outside thereby making the surroundings dirty,” Gurmeet Kour Randhawa, Councillor of Ward No. 69 which includes major part of Sainik Colony said.
“I will make parks and other infrastructure in my Ward but why should I make toilets in the vacant plots whose owners are Crorepatis and have given their plots on rent, for earning money, to labourers without facility of toilets,” she said.
“In the absence of toilets at the plots, the labourers staying there go to nallahs or in vacant plots to ease themselves. Even young girls do this and I being a woman feel bad for them. Sainik Colony Housing Society should act strictly against this,” the Councillor maintained.
Randhawa also said that other residents of the locality are forced to tolerate dirty atmosphere for few wrong landlords.
Councillor of Ward no. 71 (Sidhra) Shama Akhtar said that her Ward is yet to have toilets for all the households and such families and outside labourers mostly go to the riverside for easing themselves and in this way they spread litter and make the surroundings dirty.
Raj Kumar, Councillor of Ward no. 51 (Channi area) also had similar concern.
“Many vacant plots in my area have Jhuggis where labourers live. As there is no toilet in such plots so these labourers go outside to ease themselves and spoil the atmosphere.
When contacted, Vikas Sharma, Vice Chairman Jammu Development Authority, who is also holding additional charge of JMC Commissioner said that open defecation problem is mostly due to floating population of non-State labourers and some tourists visiting the city.
He further said that there are some places in city where household toilets cannot be made so JMC have public toilets there while for labour class JMC has placed mobile toilets at some places.
“Presently at 2-3 places, with one near Trikuta Nagar, we have placed mobile toilets so that outside labourers may not spread litter as this can only be the alternate in such cases,” Sharma informed.
On problems at Tawi River, he said that JDA is removing encroachment around Tawi.
On insufficient number of toilets at Amarnath Yatra base camp in Bhagwati Nagar for alarming number of pilgrims, he said that apart from mobile toilets JMC is also planning to press bio-toilets into service this time while there will be facilities by tourism department and other organizations too in this regard.
When contacted JMC Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta said JMC have schemes to make community toilets but issue of cleanliness and their maintenance lies there as people may use these toilets and leave them dirty.
“We may even help people in making toilets at vacant plots if someone approach us but they should take responsibility of their (toilets) cleanliness and proper maintenance,” Gupta said.
He also said that at religious places and educational institutions too they may make toilets for public convenience.
“In Ward no. 71 we made one such toilet outside a religious place wherein people of that religious place have assured to maintain cleanliness of the toilet,” the Mayor informed.
On public toilets he said that they plain these infrastructure preferably at main roads so that many people can use them.
When asked about poor number of toilets to facilitate large number of Amaranth tourists at the base camp of Amarnath pilgrimage, the Mayor said that JMC is now purchasing more mobile toilets apart from borrowing some from adjoining local bodies like Municipality of Bari Brahmana for the Yatra purpose.
He further said that for better facilities in this year Amarnath Yarta, JMC and other local bodies from Lakhanpur to Banihal are working together on war footing while the Divisional Commissioner Jammu is also doing his part efficiently.
“All local bodies in Jammu region will be actively involved in ensuring cleanliness, proper water supply etc during the Yatra. We will present a trailer of recently held Kumbh Mela in UP this time during Amarnath Yarta,” Mayor Gupta maintained.