Education in India

Gandhi ji has rightly said that “Education is the most powerful weapon one can use to change the world”. A person’s life without education is like a boat without direction. Education nurtures and shapes our ethos. It is the most integral part of one’s life as it provides a platform for a person to accomplish his/her life goal.
However, one must have the opportunity to seek admission in good educational institutions in India. It is very ardous to get admission in good colleges and universities in India.
Some institutions change hefty charges which are beyond the reach of a common man.
A child in India since her birth is consistently pressurised to get good grades rather than gaining knowledge, social values and ethics. At the same time curricular activities are given least importance. Ultimately the child’s personality does not shape properly.
Parents put pressure on their children to chase success but if they chase excellence; the sky is the limit for them. They should be well trained not well educated. Students should not be pressurised to choose a particular stream rather it should be clearly their decision and not to follow the old societal cliches which have ruined our society.It is need of the hour that parents reorient their mindset and support their children in any field which they want as their profession in the future.
Deya Kangnoo
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