Advisor Sharma for concerted efforts to improve power scenario in Jammu

Advisor K K Sharma chairing a meeting at Jammu on Sunday.
Advisor K K Sharma chairing a meeting at Jammu on Sunday.

* Reviews water supply position

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 9: Advisor to Governor, K K Sharma today reviewed the functioning of the Power Development Department in Jammu division and called for improving the overall power scenario.
During the meeting, the Advisor reviewed the present position of power supply and pace of work on various ongoing projects and stressed on augmentation of power infrastructure, and strengthening of the system so as to provide uninterrupted power supply in the province.
While reviewing the various ongoing works under Prime Minister’s Development Programme (PMDP), the Advisor directed the officers to expedite work on all the projects so that their time-bound completion is ensured. He said the department needs to gear up to meet people’s expectations.
Chief Engineer EM&RE Wing Jammu, Sudhir Gupta intimated that JKPDD in Jammu region is handling around 1170 MW peak load which is 8% more power compared to last year figures. There is a limited transformation capacity of 50 MVA at 132/33KV Grid Station Pounichak against the load demand of 70 MVA which has led to forced curtailments.
It was informed that in Jammu region, at 220 KV level the Department meeting around 500 MVA peak load demand from 220/132KV Grid Gladni and 300 MVA each from 220/132KV Grid Station Barn and Hiranagar in Jammu region, thereby utilizing the existing transformation capacity at 220/132KV level to the fullest.
Among others who attended the meeting included, Chief Engineer Projects, Manar Gupta, SE M&RE Circle-I Karam Chand, SE S&O Circle IInd, Omesh Parihar, Xen M&RE-II P D Singh, Xen M&RE-III, Sanjay Sharma, Xen, TLCD-I, J S Rathore, Xen TLCD-II R C Sharma, Xen TLMD-I Sat Paul, SE S&O Circle-I Jammu, V K Gandotra and I/C Xen STD-I Jammu, Janak Sharma.
Meanwhile, Advisor chaired a review meeting of PHE Department and took stock of drinking water scenario in Jammu division.
Chief Engineer PHE, Vinod Gupta, besides other senior officers of the department attended the meeting.
While reviewing the overall drinking water position in Jammu, the Advisor called for taking necessary corrective measures to augment the supply, especially in the Jammu city and dry belt in the periphery. He directed the Chief Engineer and concerned Executive Engineers to personally monitor the supply position and plug the gaps, if any to ensure regular water supply to the people during the scorching summer months.
He instructed the officers to regularly conduct field visits for checking water supply position and deployment of water tankers in the vulnerable areas so that the people may not suffer for the want of drinking water in the summer season.
The Advisor directed for establishment of a transformer and machinery bank to meet the emergencies in case of machinery breakdown. Several other issues related to the upgradation of PHE sector including, setting up of electric sub stations for smooth functioning of water supply schemes under “languishing initiative” were discussed in detail.
He impressed upon PDD Engineers to ensure uninterrupted power supply to PHE installations so that general public is not made to suffer on account of water supply in this scorching heat. He urged upon them to work with close coordination with other departments for smooth functioning and welfare of the people. He also stressed for the speedy completion of the ongoing projects.