Development of rural, hilly areas getting focused attention: Mir

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 27: Minister for Tourism Ghulam Ahmed Mir has said that development of rural and hilly areas was getting focused attention, adding that pro-people policies of the Government have revolutionized the developmental scenario in the State.
Addressing series of public meetings today at Hakora, Budusgam, Lesser and Zaldora in Dooru constituency, the Minister said that focused attention was being paid to improve and upgrade education, health, power, road connectivity in rural areas. He said implementation of flagship programmes like RMSA, SSA, NRHM, RGGVY and PMGSY have set in a new phase of development in the State.
The Minister said that Government has also launched various welfare schemes under State and Centre Plans for socio-economic upliftment of the poor and called upon the people to come forward to take benefits of these schemes.
The Minister said that tourism industry is back bone of the State’s economy and Government was endeavouring hard to give boost to this industry by incurring crore of rupees for up-gradation of infrastructural facilities besides developing new potential spots. He said the tourism industry guarantees ample opportunities of employment to the youth and they should come forward and avail the same. He said Government was encouraging youth by providing easy loans with subsidies for setting up their own units under this sector.
Responding to the demands of the locals, the Minister said that various developmental initiatives are under way for improvement of basic amenities in Dooru constituency. He said that concerned officers have been directed to ensure time bound completion of the projects. He assured the villagers that all their genuine demands and developmental issues would be solved in a phased manner.