CGDA an extra constitutional Authority

This is regarding the writeup “OROP: Is CGDA an Extra-Constitutional Authority” written by Brig Anil Gupta published in DE June 23, 2019. Few days back also similar type of Article was published in this paper that too written by Brig Gupta. He has elaborated so many points raised by the CGDA. It appears from the writeup that the veteran has developed an impression that CGDA does not want to implement the OROP as the organization is unaware of the basics of OROP. In this connection I want to mention here that the organization of DAD (Defence Account Department) headed by the CGDA is more than 270 years old and the officers and the subordinate staffs are well qualified and are posted on the job based on their experience. Moreover they are regularly provided refresher course to enhance their knowledge of internal audit. It has been experienced in the past that whenever any Government letter regarding policy matter is issued certain clarifications are sought while implementing that policy and to ensure that a particular scheme/ policy is implemented as per the wishes of the Government. Doubts raised by the field staff or concerned staff dealing with such cases are also raised and so clarifications are sought from the Government. It is a regular feature as this happens in all most all the cases of policy matters. Even when earlier OTI (One Time Increase) was granted to the Defence Pensioners so many clarifications were sought from the Government to ensure correct implementation and to avoid overpayments. At the time of grant of OTI certain categories of Defence pensioners like State Force pensioners, Burmese pensioners, honorary rank pensioners were left out and these categories of Defence pensioners were granted OTI later on only after raising of doubts by the CGDA.
I failed to understand that how the writer has got the impression that CGDA is raising unnecessary doubts for implementation of OROP. Let we agree that CGDA people are unaware of the basics of the OROP (though it is not correct) but the other senior Officers of the MOD are also unaware about OROP and that is why MOD agreed for formation of a committee headed by CGDA to examine the entire issue of examining OROP 2018.It is submitted for the information of all the readers in general and Defence personal/ pensioners/family pensioners in particular that Defence Account Department is doing its best to provide better services to them. In this process in the year 1983 Integrated Financial scheme was introduced in the Ministry of Defence. In the year 1995 IFA system was introduced in Border Roads Organization and Army Headquarters to provide the services at their door step for early resolution of the cases. To readdress the grievances of the Defence pensioners/ family pensioners a system has been developed and pensioners can seek any clarification by lodging grievances in the office of the CGDA/ PCDA (Pension) Allahabad etc. Regular Pension Adalats are held to sort out the issues of Pensionery matters.
The Defence Accounts Department is committed to render efficient, correct and prompt accounting, payment and financial services leading to customer satisfaction. It is also committed to render efficient audit services to ensure public accountability. Thus our veterans are requested not to worry about their OROP entitlements as the recommendations of the newly appointed committee by the Raksha Mantri would give its recommendations as per time schedule and it is the Central Government who would consider whether the recommendations of the committee are accepted in toto or otherwise. I believe that CGDA is bound to implement the orders of the GOI if the doubts raised by them are clarified.
S.S. Jamwal
SAO (Rtd)
N ew Plots Jammu.