Dir Nunwan Base Camp reviews arrangements for Amarnath yatris

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 26: Amit Sharma, Special Secretary to Government, Transport Department with Additional Charge of J&K Road Safety Council, today reviewed arrangements for the pilgrims at traditional Base Camp of Shri Amarnathji Yatra located at Nunwan, about one km before Pahalgam town.
Sharma has been given the charge of Director, traditional Base Camp by the Government. He took a round of entire Nunwan Base Camp along with police officers, CRPF, Fire & Emergency Services, Health Department, Para Military teams, Security officers, FCS&CA team, PDD, PHE, Pahalgam Development Authority teams and officers deputed in the Camp and checked all installed facilities for Yatris inside the Camp.
Later, Sharma took a meeting of officers of all line departments, including SSP Benam Tosh who heads Joint PCR locates at Pahalgam in Southern Axis, SDM Pahalgam Faheem, SDPO Pahalgam Showkat, Additional Camp Director Nunwan Vinay Kumar, Additional Camp Helipad Vikas Anand, Deputy Camp Director Nunwan Deputy SP Vishal Sharma, Arun Sharma and Deputy Commandant CRPF Farooq, who shared their level of preparedness for the Yatra.
During the meeting, Amit laid focus on finishing all pending works of related departments in couple of days and the progress on same should be reported in daily briefing and de-briefing meetings to report at Nunwan Base Camp so that there is smooth conduct and management of Yatra from traditional Pahalgam route which is preferred by most of the pilgrims, especially for onwards journey towards Holy Cave.
Before culmination of the meeting, Camp Director Amit Sharma directed all departments especially telecom, medical, PHE, PDD and transport related services should be well within defined timelines as per instructions of top civil and police administration so that public remains comfortable during entire Shri Amarnathji Yatra. He further exhorted upon the officers to exhibit total professionalism and use past experience to ensure smooth conduct of Yatra.