JKRCEA warns agitation against delay in implementation of Presidential Order

JKRCEA leaders during a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
JKRCEA leaders during a press conference at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 26: The heads of socio-religious, retired employees, youth & women wings of Jammu Kashmir Reserved Categories Empowerment Alliance (JKRCEA), has appealed Governor, Satya Pal Malik to personally intervene and get the Presidential Order regarding promotion in services to SC /ST employees implemented in the State immediately.
Expressing their grave anguish over non implementation of Presidential Order of March 1, whereby he has given consent regarding the implementation of “the Constitution (Application to Jammu & Kashmir) Amendment Order, 2019” paving way for the extension of Article 16:(4) A of Constitution of India to J&K; dealing with reservation in promotion for the employees of SC/ST categories in the State in State Government departments, the Alliance leaders told reporters here, today.

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Sham Lal Bassan one of the leader of the Alliance, said that some bureaucrats in the State are untamed even in President’s rule and have not only defied the orders for reservation in promotions but they are not giving any heed to President’s Order. Various officials of H&ME Deptt, Engineering Wings, Agriculture etc are even harassing employees who are to be promoted on their seniority positions. They are in fact acting as dictators. Governor of the State is duty bound to get the order implemented on ground by giving clear directions to Chief Secretary, Law Secretary and Social Welfare Secretary in the matter.
Er. M.C Bhagat while criticizing the successive governments said they never bothered to extend Article 16 (4) A to J&K since 1995 as it was for the welfare of SC/ST communities of J&K. Rather under State bureaucracy tactics leaders kept mum and allowed bureaucrats to sabotage real intent of reservation for SC/ST in J&K. No Government ever bothered to call for meeting of “Enforcement Board for monitoring & implementation of reservation in J&K” since 2004. He said the Presidential Order of 2019 extended reservation in promotions for SC/STs and reservation in education and employment for EWS in the same order but the Governor’s administration has immediately implemented EWS reservation and allowed bureaucrats to sit on implementation of reservation in promotions for SC/STs. He demanded separate Advisor to listen to problems of SCSTOBCs.
Bodh Raj Bhagat, while speaking on the occasion said that it is very unfortunate that hand full of people in the power corridors first misguided BJP-PDP led Government on the matter of reservation in promotions and same group of bureaucrats is dilly dallying in implementation of President’s Order.