Harassing the tribal school teacher in Kashmir?

If a Government employee indulges in wilful insubordination or fails in performing his duties or indulges in any manner which constitutes gross misconduct and his or her services are placed under suspension pending enquiries, it is understandable. On the contrary, when a teacher of a school laments about the hardships faced by the students on account of acute space constraints and poor infrastructure in the school , if on that count he is harassed and suspended from service , it is deplorable and means shooting the messenger.
Zakir Hussain, a young teacher at High School Machhama in Tral of Pulwama district in Kashmir had to face the ire of his higher authorities for giving vent to his feelings in respect of problems faced by students of this tribal school as the same was run from an unsafe dilapidated building , sans washrooms, and just three rooms for the entire roll of the School. It is quite astonishing that out of five rooms in this school , two are used for office and library and only three rooms are provided to as many as 175 students of this School established in 1943. Poor students have to study either in ‘demarcated ‘ rooms within rooms or in the open under the sky, whether under scorching sun or in cold weather. Zakir highlighted the issue while talking to the reporter of ‘Excelsior’ when he visited the School. We feel that the teacher was within his right to highlight the problems of the students and therefore should not be harassed. His suspension orders should be revoked immediately if there are no other serious charges against him.