Child labour

India has the distinction of being the nation with the largest number of child labours in the world.
Poverty is the main reason behind this phenomenon. The unrelenting poverty forces the parents to push their young children in all forms of hazardous occupations. Child labour is a source of income for poor family. Child  labourers provide help in household enterprises or of household chores in  order to free adult members for economic activity elsewhere. In some cases, it has been found that a child’s income accounted for between 34-37 percent of the total household income.
Even then, enforcement of rules is the key aspect that is lacking in the Governments efforts. Child labour is a global problem If  child labour is to be eradicated, the Government and agencies and those responsible for enforcement need to start doing their jobs. The most important thing is to increase awareness and find ways and means to check the  menace. We have to decide whether we are going to take up the problem head on and fight it any way.
Yours etc….
Mool Raj
R/o Bhagota (Doda)