
Sunday June   30-2019

Aries : Now at last you have realised that you have been preoccupied with work at the cost of your family life. Making up to them now is going to take a lot more effort. Ganesha says be ready to open your purse strings for either eating out, going out for a movie or shopping at the best places.

Taurus : In all probability, it is a favourable day to begin financial planning, says Ganesha. You will focus on your relations and leave no stone unturned to make them prosper. You may yearn for a quiet getaway and end up spending a small fortune to get what you want.

Gemini : You will feel lonely and unwanted today. You will feel the need for someone who can calm your troubled mind. Meditation and yoga will help you calm yourself. It is a good day to receive love from that someone special, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your ideas today are source of your energy.A situation may arise, which will force you to take hard decisions later. A new business or venture may prove beneficial. Your magical touch will bestow success in every endeavour. Ganesha is with you.

Leo : A challenging day awaits you. You will face some tensions and problems, however this doesn’t mean you will not be able to complete all your work successfully. Your personal life will proceed as usual, however expectations from you at the work-front will increase. You need to maintain a balance between your home and work-place, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will excel remarkably in whatever work you prefer to engage yourself in today. Ganesha says your aspiration to start a business endeavour in a foreign country will bear fruit. To considerably enhance your self-image, it is necessary to make required improvements in your personal appearance.

Libra : Ganesha says today will be an auspicious day for starting any new work. In the office you will be assigned new positions and you shall excel in the same. Whatever work is undertaken by you will see you attain success in it. Today is a lucky day for you Ganesha says

Scorpio : Family matters have been screaming for long for your attention now. Your estranged spouse may deal the final blow to sever all ties, foretells Ganesha. But keep calm, and hold that tongue, advises Ganesha. Your priority should be to secure your family’s peace.

Sagittarius : Expect a call to late-night revelry and a chance to binge. But you don’t seem to be in the mood to let your hair loose and party, says Ganesha. However tempting it may be, your serious side will take over and you shall deny the offer. No wonder they like that sensible head on your shoulders.

Capricorn : You want to enhance your knowledge by exploring foreign shores, but luck hasn’t favoured you yet. Ganesha predicts today to be a favourable day for you to try again for higher studies. If associated with the Stock Market or speculation, you are likely to make profits. You will come across many opportunities, but you need to identify and explore them to the fullest.

Aquarius : There are no short-cuts to success. You know this very well and work you socks off to get what you want. Colleagues, friends and family – all of them will acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and achievements. Though you will be apprehensive about it, you will have to take some risks to bring the desired change in your life, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Interactions with those of the opposite sex will mark your day. It is also a good day to strike up friendship with those of the opposite sex. For those in love, today is a good day to spend time with your partner. For those looking for love, now is the best time to pop the question to that special someone you’ve secretly admired for long, says Ganesha.