Threat of uncertain future looms large over 3-yr old Adeeba

Kishtwar accident survivor

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 2: Adeeba, a 3-year-old girl, who lost her entire family in yesterday’s Kishtwar road accident seems to be in dark as there is no one to take care for her except some neighbours.
The little girl being unaware of the tragedy that has struck her is silently lying on a bed in Disaster Ward where she is undergoing treatment in Government Medical College and Hospital, Jammu along with many other injured persons. But unlike other survivors of the tragic mishap, who has one or other from their family to take care of them, Adeeba’s is being cared in the hospital by a neighbor and some Red Cross volunteers as her entire family comprising father, Akhter Hussain, mother, Ruksana Begum and 2 brothers perished in the accident.
According to the doctors, the girl is not critical but she will take some days to recover. “The girl is stable and responding to treatment and within some days, she will be discharged,” said Dr Dara Singh, Medical Superintendent, GMC Jammu. He said not only Adeeba but all the persons injured in Kishtwar mishap, are being provided free treatment, medicines and diagnostic facilities. Dr Singh informed that some NGOs have also come forward to attend the injured girl in the hospital.

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Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Sanjeev Verma, told Excelsior that many people and NGOs are coming forward to own the child and Government has also decided to own the child. He said that a monthly assistance of Rs 1000/Rs 1500 will be given for the child and a guardian will be appointed at district level for upbringing of the child.
“May be some NGOs or Government come forward and provide financial assistance for the girl child but the question is whether the toddler will be able to overcome this mental trauma or it will remain with her throughout life. Someone may also come forward to adopt her but will she be able to get the love and affection of her parents?,” said a volunteer, who was attending the child in the hospital.
Thirty-five persons were killed and 16 persons were injured, two of them critically, when an overloaded mini-bus, which was on its way to Kishtwar from Keshwan, plunged into a 1000 m deep gorge near Sirgwari in Kishtwar district on Monday morning.