Over 8000 NHM employees without salaries for last 3 months

Irfan Tramboo
Srinagar, July 2: Over 8000 National Health Mission (NHM) employees including doctors and paramedics are suffering due to the non-payment of their salaries for last 3 months thus giving them a tough time in making their ends meet.
The employees said that while they are being paid meagre amounts, even those sums are not being paid on time.
The delays in the disbursal of their salaries, they said, is making it difficult for those who are working in far-flung areas. “We are being paid meagre wages and yet our salaries are paid after the gap of several months,” they said.
“We fail to understand how to manage our day to day expenses in extremely meagre wages that we are being paid. The non-payment of salaries for months together makes it impossible for us to make our ends meet,” President, NHM Employees Association Muneer Andrabi said.
He said that no salary has been paid to the employees for the last three months “due to which families of the employees are suffering badly.”
The non-payment of salaries is making it difficult particularly for those who have been posted in far-flung areas, who are not even able to pay the rents of their rented accommodations.
“Most of our employees work in far-flung areas and live in rented accommodations. Despite sacrificing everything for the department and people we are given a raw deal”, he said.
Spokesperson, NHM Employees Association Abdul Rouf told Excelsior that the employees are suffering due to the non-payment of their salaries, “but nobody is bothered about us; they are saying there are no funds and that the budget has been drafted, but nothing has been done so far,” he said.
“The salaries of the last 4 months including the month of February during which the employees were on strike, demanding the resolution of several issues including their regularization are pending. The NHM authorities have even shelved those demands as of now”, the spokesman said.