Violence against doctors

Refer an article titled “Violence against Doctors” by DrVikasPadha published on 21 Jun 19.
The author has very aptly conveyed his concern against his fraternity and also explained the concept of health care system for the benefit of all. It is really a matter of concern for all of us as it indicates towards an unhealthy trend. It is also an accepted fact that health care system provided by government across the length and breadth of the country is deficit of required infrastructure, skilled manpower, doctors and paramedical staff and on the contrary budget allocation on health is being either reduced or stagnant for last few years. Insufficient infrastructure is not keeping pace with the number of patients and this brings chaotic situation resulting in such sordid unfortunate assaults on doctors who actually is a foot soldier of the health care system. We have also seen that many new health care schemes are launched by incumbent governments without enhancing the capacity of available infrastructure to garner political dividend. I am in agreement with the author that due care is not being given by the policy makers to recognize the merit based need of the medical profession. As regards brain drain of qualified doctors, better employment opportunities in corporate sector outside our state and abroad attract meritorious doctors due to negligence on the part of government machinery responsible for public health care system. However, a visit to Medical College Hospital Jammu especially to Emergency wing speaks volume about the pathetic and inhuman condition of health care system that may be a unique example in the country. This proves all allegations of the people with regard to quality of doctors, paramedical staff and general maintenance of the area and equipment. Gross visible neglect on the part of hospital administration, concerned faculty and Government agency responsible for this takes toll on the lives of patients who have no other alternative and can ill afford to take medical care from corporate hospitals outside state and it also amount to sheer denial of their fundamental right to life.
We, as conscious citizens, are therefore duty bound to look out for any fall out of this neglect like medical emergency being faced by the State of Bihar. We pray Almighty to save us from any such disaster. We solicit the attention of the Governor of J&K for a kind visit with surprise to face the reality and realize the fate of helpless patients.
WgCdr (Retd) Mahesh Chander Sudan
Sainik Colony Jammu