Dr Richa Sharma
Fertility issues showing a changing trend with fluctations in male and female parameters has both postive and negative sides.
Positive point – Now science vision more advanced and widened
Side effect- More of Tubular vision and dependency on Investigations
Rise in Infertility due to –
Life style changes
Delayed marriage
Career orientation
More and early detection because of .
Affordability, accessibility, and increased general awareness
Early onset of infertility
Falling sperm counts due to – stress/job/heat exposure/excess use of laptop and mobiles with radiation exposure
Extremes in the ovarian reserve – either very poor or PCOS
PCOS showing a rise such that every third patient has PCOS due to hectic lifestyles, sitting jobs with less of exercise so creating hormonal imbalance
Smoking habits
Increased Alcohol Intake
Rise in STDs
More openness to undertake Third party reproduction(Donor Egg/Donor Sperm/-Surrogacy)
Rise in Body weight (BMI)
Commonly and easily available literature, online and print version both even in local languages
Team approach so early detection
There is a rise in emotional disconnect as more of robotic kind of life
Breakthrough technologies driven by fertility research are leading to higher success rates that translate to reduced costs for patients and the healthcare system. But the outdated perceptions of disappointment and fear of high-risk pregnancies and multiple births – the cost to reach success – prevail.
Change in being male dominated society with patriarchy to equal rights with woman empowerment so giving them right to control their sex life and career
Options of egg freezing no more a research
More refined and defined techniques
Better Freezing facilities at centres
Cancer patients now have option to undertake fertility preservation
Male factor no more untreatable or unsolved option
Menopause no longer a barrier to baby
So these are various points observed so far which showing a changing trend.
(The author is Senior IVF And Fertility Consultant Medicover Gurgaon and Author Of Infertility Solutions (Handbook for patient welfare and awareness )