Teachers protest, ask Govt to fulfill their agreed demands

Teachers protesting in support of their demands at Exhibition Ground, Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Teachers protesting in support of their demands at Exhibition Ground, Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 6: A protest demonstration was held today by different cadres of teaching fraternity under the banner of Jammu Kashmir Teachers Forum (JKTF) in support of their demands at Exhibition Ground, Jammu.
Hundreds of cadres under the leadership of its chairman JKTF Ganesh Khajuria assembled at Exhibition Ground to express their resentment toward the callous attitude of the State Government towards the burning issues and problems being faced by the teaching community for a long period.

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The leaders of JKTF said that the State Government had made commitment to release pending salaries and arrears in favour of Masters working as Head Teachers in the upgraded Middle Schools under SSA (now Smagara) Scheme in accordance to the 7th Pay Commission, besides regularization of ReT’s (who have completed their 5 years of satisfactory services) as the General line Teachers Grade II and conversion of RReT’s into the General Line Teachers Grade II but failed to honour its commitments.
They also criticized the authorities for their failure to conduct the DPC of all the cadres i.e Class IV employees to the Junior Assistant, Lab Assistant to Teachers, Teachers to Masters, Masters to Headmasters, Lecturers and the other higher cadres in order to remove the stagnation among all the cadres of School Education Department and to regularise the incharge incumbents by confirming their DPC’s.
The failure of the authorities to remove the pay anomalies of Masters Grade from the Pre-Revised 6500-10500 to 7450-12500 (Now existing Level L-7 in 7th Pay Commission) as already agreed with the representatives of employees was also severely criticized by the leaders of JKTF.
Addressing the gathering, Ganesh Khajuria lambasted that the State Government for back tracking from its commitments made with the JKTF for the redressal of all their issues. He said Government attitude had left the employees community into a lurch compelling them to come on roads to raise their voice regarding their demands. He warned the higher authorities sitting at the helm of affairs to mitigate the issues of the employees of Education Department at the earliest.