
Friday July 12-2019

Aries : You are going to make full use of your silver-tongued sleekness today! Your power of expression will be appreciated, especially by the opposite sex, and you will thoroughly enjoy the attention. Ganesha advises a little meditation to help balance your inner and outer worlds.

Taurus : You will not just run the race but will reach the finish line with ease today, predicts Ganesha. Neither pressure nor overload will prevent your from accomplishing your targets this afternoon. However, Ganesha advises that you must learn to be patient to make the most of your success.

Gemini : You will express your feeling and opinions to people close to you and earn their support and wishes. However, you will still feel the need to be in solitude and peace in the later half of the day. Spending time with friends and family will ease your troubled mind more effectively, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your partner will be willing to do anything for you today. You ask for the moon, or anything under the Sun, and they will oblige. Even though they won’t be able to pluck the moon and stars from the sky, a special gesture from your partner is bound to send you to cloud nine. On the professional front, your negotiation skills will save your money from being swindled by others.

Leo : An auspicious and favourable day awaits you, says Ganesha. You will be able to complete all tasks at work. You will be able to make beneficial changes at home. You will be able to buy new things for home. Financial gains are possible. Youngsters may find love.

Virgo : A candid conversation with your beloved is on the radar today. Labour to complete tasks you’ve been putting off for a while, says Ganesha. A trip to a sacred place is also blinking. But be advised, and weigh your options before making a choice.

Libra : You are at your best when communicating with others, and your silver-tongued speech will charm many. Your day will be spent in negotiating, meetings, and in interacting with people to get things done. At work, you may be put in charge of some investigative task. Towards the evening, people around you will find you incredibly charming and irresistible.

Scorpio : Endless ambitions and limitless energy – a day tailored to perfection, forecasts Ganesha. On the career front, you will be looking for some challenging activities. You will have more than enough vigour to tackle anything that work or academics can throw at you. You will socialise later in the day by attending parties or hosting dinner for friends.

Sagittarius : Your role in bringing around important and influential deals will be pivotal indeed, says Ganesha. However, at work, the final result may not actually be up to the standards you expected. But a pleasant evening with your beloved will clear all such shadows and lighten your mood.

Capricorn : You will be in chirpy mood today, want to do anything and everything. Business opportunities will grab your eye balls, and you want to go ahead with those ideas. Ganesha predicts you will succeed in these ventures as luck is by your side. Socially, you will be busy as you will meet a lot of people and impress them with your wit and humour.

Aquarius : Normally, it is you who delegates and call the shots, but today situation will be different. You will be overloaded with work and nobody will be able to share it with you. But, don’t get disappointed, as your hard work will be paid off very well, assure Ganesha. You commitment and performance will motivate others to put their best foot forward.

Pisces : You will be successful in defeating your enemies and seeing your capabilities some people might try to involve you in illegal activities. Ganesha advises you to be cautious of these people. Head for a long drive or take a walk if things begin to bother you as this make put you in a better mood, says Ganesha.