Trump seen marginally as decisive leader, but not honest: Poll

WASHINGTON, July 11:A Washington based American analytics and advisory company Gallup has presented a new poll which reveals that slightly more than half of US voters think President Donald Trump as a decisive leader, although most question the president’s honesty and trustworthiness.
“A slim 51 percent majority of Americans consider President Donald Trump to be a strong and decisive leader, but larger majorities think he lacks six other positive character and management qualities,” the company summarizing the poll stated.
“These include honesty, sharing their values, caring about people like them, being able to effectively manage the government, keeping his promises and bringing about needed change.”
Honesty continues to be among his Trump’s weakest personal characteristics, according to Gallup polls going back to the onset of his presidency, the release explained.
“Currently, 34 percent of Americans say the president is honest and trustworthy—essentially tied with his lowest reading for this question, 33 percent, in 2016 and 2017,” the release said. “Americans feel similarly about Trump sharing their values, as 38 percent say he does.”
Among Republican voters, 75 percent consider Trump an honest man, compared with just 6 percent of Democrats, the poll revealed.
Fewer than half of Americans currently say the president can bring about the changes needed in the United States (45 percent), keeps his promises (44 percent), can manage the government effectively (43 percent) and cares about the needs of people like them (41 percent).
The latest poll on Trump’s character was the seventh survey by Gallup going back to the 2016 presidential campaign.
Trump’s perceived leadership skills and ability to effect change played a large part in getting him elected as President. Americans’ view of Trump as a strong and decisive leader, though diminished, is his strongest personal characteristic of the seven recently measured by Gallup.
At the same time, Americans are less likely now than they were at the start of his presidency to see Trump as an agent of change, but their low opinions of his trustworthiness remain entrenched.
Yet, just as the president’s overall job approval rating is sharply polarized, so too are Americans’ assessments of his character. Although Republicans’ positive assessments have eroded somewhat since the beginning of his presidency, this group continues to hold largely positive views of all of his personal traits, and they remain firmly in his corner.
Assuming Republicans will continue to rally around the president, independents’ views of him will be important in 2020. Independents’ lukewarm approval rating and character assessments would be weaknesses for him as he seeks re-election.