Cong sounds High Command, to take final call on Monday

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Mar 2: The Congress (I), a coalition partner of National Conference, has sounded the party High Command in New Delhi over admission of adjournment motions on execution of Afzal Guru by Speaker Mubarak Gul and likely debate on them on Monday.
The Congress Legislature Party (CLP) would take a final call on its strategy to be adopted in both Houses of Legislature especially the Legislative Assembly as the situation emerged on Monday morning based on the briefing of AICC (I) general secretary, Incharge Jammu and Kashmir, Mohan Prakash and PCC (I) chief Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz, who were in touch with senior party functionaries and keeping a close watch on emerging political scenario.
While Speaker Mubarak Gul had last evening decided to admit adjournment motions in the Assembly followed by debate on them on Monday, Legislative Council Chairman Amrit Malhotra, who belonged to Congress, said that he hasn’t admitted adjournment motion moved by the PDP in the Upper House seeking discussion on the situation arising out of execution of 2001 Parliament attack convict Mohammad Afzal Guru.
“The adjournment motion has lapsed as it was meant for suspension of House business for Friday and discussion on post-Guru hanging scenario. If a fresh motion was moved for Monday, I would take a decision then as per the Constitutional and legal provisions”, Mr Malhotra said, adding the National Conference had not moved any adjournment motion in the Upper House on Friday.
Congress sources said their senior leaders including Ministers and legislators have met twice during last two days and could meet again tomorrow, if required, to devise the party’s strategy if the debate was held on the execution of Afzal Guru in the Legislative Assembly as the Speaker has already announced that he has admitted the adjournment motions and would hold debate on them on Monday.
During massive uproar in the Assembly on Friday when the House was adjourned thrice, the Congress had maintained a complete silence on the issue of Afzal Guru with none of its Ministers or MLAs saying any word on the uproar. Sources said it was part of the Congress strategy to maintain silence unless the adjournment motions were admitted and a debate followed.
Sources said if the Speaker allowed a debate on the adjournment motions on Monday, the Congress would have little choice but to speak against the motions as it was their Government at the Centre, which had ordered secret execution of Guru. Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde, who had refused to hand over body of Guru to the family in Sopore for last rites, also belonged to the Congress. Another option being explored by the Congress was to abstain from the House but majority leaders were of the view that they should speak against the motions-whatever the consequences.
“We would wait and watch till Monday morning. We are in touch with the party High Command in New Delhi. We would take directions from them and take a final call on our strategy on Monday morning as the situation demands. We would play an appropriate role”, party sources said, adding that there can be no compromise on national interests as Guru was executed for attack on the country’s Parliament.
Admitting that it was a unique situation that has posed bigger question than politics, sources were of the view that definitely the two Alliance partners-National Conference and Congress have divergent views on the execution of Guru. Though the State Congress leaders have refrained from giving any major statement on the execution of Guru, the National Conference leadership including Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has openly questioned the execution. He had met Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde seeking return of Guru’s body to the family. The Centre had turned down the demand.
As expected, Guru’s issue had rocked the Legislature right from the first day with disturbances during Governor’s Address to joint session of Legislature on Thursday. The next day, ruling NC and Opposition PDP and CPM had moved adjournment motions on Afzal Guru. On the other, the BJP and NPP had moved adjournment motions seeking return of Indian prisoner Chamel Singh’s body from Pakistan jail.
The Speaker had reserved judgment on the adjournment motions but virtually no business could be transacted in the House due to pandemonium created by the PDP and other Opposition members. Late in the evening yesterday, the Speaker had admitted all adjournment motions and fixed Monday for debate.