Dogra, KP bodies observe July 13 as Black Day

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 13: Several organisations representing Dogras of Jammu and Kashmir Pandits observed July 13 as black day and wore black badges as a mark of protest against the attack on Hindu minorities in the Valley by the radical forces on this day in 1931.
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Today Yuva Rajput Sabha (YRS) staged a demonstration demanding the abolishing of the Martyrs’ Day holiday and observed July 13 as ‘Black Day’. The protest was held under the leadership of president Yuva Rajput Sabha, Surinder Singh Gilli.
Gilli sad that Martyrs’ Day is observed in Jammu and Kashmir on July 13 every year to remember the people who were killed in firing by soldiers of Dogra ruler Maharaja Hari Singh on this day in 1931 during protests against his rule. The Sabha held black banners reading No Martyrs’ Day,” “Not our holiday” and “It is our working day”.
Others who were present included, Vikram Sachin, Shubu, Mandeep, Mukesh, Rajveer, Raghuveer, Rajinder, Mesha, Manja, Mahinder, Fentu, Praveen, Swarn, and many others.
Jammu Province Peoples Forum (JPPF) held a strong demonstration under the leadership of its chief, Pavitar Singh (retd) Principal Session Judge. The organisation also observed the day as Black Day and said there should be no holiday on this day as on this day under a conspiracy violence broke out in Kashmir and protests were held against the Dogra rulers by radical forces in Valley on communal grounds. They also attacked the minority Hindus and killed several innocent people. So this day is Black Day in the history of J&K when the seeds of communalism were sown. Pritam Sharma of Kranti Dal also addressed it.
Another protest was held by All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference led by its president Advocate Ravinder Raina in front of Raj Bhawan here in which the speakers demanded immediate cancellation of holiday on this day which is a Black Day in the history of J&K State.
The organisation also observed the day as Black Day. The KP leaders who addressed the gathering on the occasion included H N Jattu senior leader of community, Shiban Khabri, well known writer, T K Bhat general secretary, ASKPC, president BJP Displaced district, Chand Ji Bhat , Rakesh Koul, president Sampooran Kashmir, senior advocate, Kashmiri Lal, president, Sharika Peeth, M K Jalali, B B Gosani, Chand Ji Khar, Daljeet Singh, P L Pandita, B L Bhan, Rajnath, Chand Ji Khar, Sunil Koul, Daisy Bhat, Ravinder Razdan, Veena Gurtoo, Raj Nath Raina, Ashok Dhar, Rakesh Ji etc.
Kashmiri Pandit Conference (KPC) also observed the day as Black Day. The president of the organisation Kundan Kashmiri had also appealed the community to enmass observe the day as Black Day to protest against the onslaught which was started against the Hindu minorities on this day by radical forces in Valley in 1931.
He said the Hindu minorities of the State can’t forget the day when the minorities were attacked in the Valley. It was on this day that the seeds of a communal movement were sown by radical forces in Valley and the ethnic cleansing of Pandits in 1989-90 was the result of the same.
M.K.Raina,vice president KPC,H L Saraf, Susheel Ji Bhat, R.L.Raina, SL Zutshi, Surinder Bhat and others also addressed the gathering.
In observance of the Kashmiri Pandit Balidan Diwas, Panun Kashmir organised a protest demonstration at Sarwal today. The demonstration was led by its president, Virender Raina and among others it was attended by Upinder Koul, general secretary, Sameer Bhatt convenor, PK Youth, Kalhan Koul, P. N. Pandita, J.L.Drabu, Ravi Punjabi, M.K.Durani, P. L. Razdan and Sunil Dhar.
In his address Virender Raina said that the day of 13th July in 1931 represented a big conspiracy against the Hindu community in Kashmir and also against the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir as sponsored at the behest of the British colonial rulers and was spearheaded by the then J&K Muslim Conference. Hindus were made the victims of genocidal action, loot, arson and mayhem selectively in the Valley. The places like Vicharnag, Maharaj Ganj, Hari Singh High Street, Bohri Kadal and Kanikoot in Budgam were the worst hit areas during the loot and arson, he added.
Raina said a dozen of Hindus lost lives due to attacks by the Muslim Conference workers and the rioting prisoners of the Srinagar jail. The conspiracy against the State and the Maharaja coupled with the large scale violence against the Hindu minorities compelled the State forces to use force against the rioters and some of them also lost their life in consequence.
On the occasion of 13 July, ‘Back to Basic’ Initiative was kicked off at Bishnah. The main objective of this initiative is to create an awareness about the Dogras History and identity with socio-politico effect. The title of the event was Truth and Reality: 13 July 1931. And it is the first kind of the event at grass root level.
Present on the occasion were Pankaj Khajuria,Sushil Singh Charak Founder Cum Chairman Nations Development Association NDA, Garu Ram, Chairman India Trust Team, Jeorg Matu, Naresh Kumar.
Kashmiri Khatri Hindu Maha Sabha led by its president Engineer Ramesh Chander observed the Day as Black Day and demanded cancellation of State Holiday on this day.
The day was also observed as Black Day by All Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AMCCC) led by Desh Rattan. Addressing the gathering Rattan appealed the Government to cancel holiday on this day as on July 13, 1931 a communal movement was launched in the Valley against the Minority Hindus and Maharaja of the State, he added.