Release of Indian fishermen in Pak jails raised in Rajya Sabha

NEW DELHI, July 15:
The issue of release of Indian fishermen prisoned in Pakistan jail was raised in the Rajya Sabha on Monday during the Zero Hour. YSR Congress party lawmaker V Vijaysai Reddy, raising this issue said that there are 483 Indian fishermen lodged in different jails caught by the Pakistani Maritime Security Agency on the pretext of straying into Pakistani territorial water at various places in Arabian Sea and the Government should intervene in this matter and the ‘Councilor access’ be provided to them so that they can be released by the Pakistan Jails.
“These fishermen were caught by the Pakistani Security Agency on international water and I am surprised that what Indian Coast Guard was doing when the Pakistani agency came and arrest them”, asked Mr Reddy.
He said that 12 fishermen in September 2018 and 34 in November from Andhra Pradesh were arrested and sent to jails.
These fishermen were handed over to the Dock Police for judicial custody and sent to jails in Karachi, he added.
Urging the Government to intervene urgently in this matter, Mr Reddy said that he along-with the families of those fishermen met former External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj for their release and she also assured the families that the Government would intervene in this matter and the ‘Councilor access’ will soon be provided to them by the Indian High Commission but nothing has been done so far. (UNI)