Rainawari KPAC, ASKPC demand immediate restoration of temple land

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 21: Rainawari KP Action Committee (KPAC)in a meeting here, today chalked out the strategy to deal with grave situation that has emerged due to the encroachment of the Shiv Ji Temple,Kara Pura, Khushki, Rainawari, Srinagar.
The meeting expressed its grave concern and anger over the grabbing of temple land and its property by the local land mafia and this situation has emerged when the State High Court has directed the authorities to take the suo motto cognisance of the forced land and property sale of the religiously cleansed Kashmiri Pandits.
B L Jalali, president of the Committee discussed the action plan with the members to deal with this grave situation and said that the Committee has mobilized KPs and the nationalist forces all over the globe and no stone will be left unturned till the temple and its property is restored. The community members will be forced to come on roads and resort to most vociferous and extreme steps if this issue is dragged under the carpet as it is the matter of our religious sentiments and it is the violation of our right to religious freedom. All socio-political and religious organisations are requested to join hands to defeat the forces that are indulging in continuous genocide of KPs.
Among others who were present in the meeting included Kishore Mattoo, D N Kaul, Dr Mahesh Kaul,Vijay Kumar Zutshi, Ravi Kaul, AK Mattoo, BJ Hak, PK Saraf, S K Koul.
Meanwhile, All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC) expressed grave concern the way Kashmir Pandits were haunted out under a big conspiracy from Kashmir Valley and now religious heritages of Kashmir Pandits in the form of temples and shrines are not spared by the goons and pan Islamic fundamentalists of the State.
Ad. Ravinder Raina, president ASKPC in a meeting held here, today said, large number of temples and shrine properties has been encroached with conveyance of local administration and latest being the grabbing and encroachment of Shiv Temple which is 150 years old at Rainawari and no action has been taken against the persons responsible of it or steps taken for its restoration. ASKPC warns the administration for its deep slumber and allowing the goons to acting as per their wishes cannot be tolerated at any cost.